Quiet Reflections

by @florian

Liner Notes

#instrumental #videogamemusic #collaborationswelcome

Short mood piece exploring some mellow sounds. I wanted to capture one of those quiet scenes in video games like "The Last of Us", where the terrifying gameplay pauses for a glimpse of wildly beautiful nature.

Feel free to build on this, if it inspires you to add lyrics, sample it, or otherwise turn it into a full song.

You're hearing virtual instruments from Native Instruments, acoustic guitar, cello, and piano, and an alto flute from Audio Modeling.


Oooh, very nice. A rich and pleasing blend of sounds. Well suited to your vision. Nice job!
This is very nice and I have an idea to make a lyric to suit. If you are agreeable, please send a music file to me by email. I am not sure how to download from the FAWM site.
Very beautiful musical scene, quiet, delicate and pretty.
Well, that was lovely and over too soon! Pleasant listening.
Definitely captures the mood you set out to evoke. And after listening to this once again I find myself wishing I had a real cello to play. What a beautiful sound it is...