In My 20s

by @jerrypettit

Liner Notes

Ah, to be twenty again...

I hope you enjoy the song!



Words & Music
Jerry Pettit

I did stupid things,
Like chasing bees,
and pulling puppet strings.
I wore a cloak of stars
and leather wings,
A young discontent,
while the world did sing.

I did stupid things,
I danced with danger,
just to hear it sing,
But now I've grown,
and my heart brings,
A symphony,
with soaring strings.

I kissed the moon
and painted dreams,
In shades of madness,
or so it seemed,
But then I learned
what's underneath,
The broken mirrors
of youth's defeat.

Oh, the foolish games
that we all played,
In our twenties,
a masquerade,
But now I see,
the path I've laid,
A golden road,
where dreams won't fade.

I did stupid things,
I danced with danger,
just to hear it sing,
But now I've grown,
and my heart brings,
A symphony,
with soaring strings.

So here's to the years
in the sun and the shade,
A cosmic dance,
a love serenade,
I did stupid things,
But now I'm wiser,
and the real truth rings.

Because now I know,
there's more to life,
Than chasing phantoms
in the dead of night,
I've grown and changed,
I've seen the light,
And now I've learned what's wrong,
what's right.

I did stupid things,
I danced with danger,
just to hear it sing,
But now I've grown,
and my heart brings,
A symphony,
with soaring strings.

© 2024, Jerry Pettit


A sentiment we all have said before Jerry..ah, to be 20 again.
"A golden road,
where dreams won't fade." great line
Another classic by the ballad master!
I dunno if it's the reference to "leather wings" but now I'm imagining that it's Batman singing this. What's really disturbing is that the rest of the lyrics fit *perfectly*.
only if i could know what i know now. very different more poppy, like the way it moves around the ears. good one
Of course, we all did a whole mess of inadvisable and ridiculous stuff in our youth and if we were lucky enough to come through all that and become more sensitive and sensible, then looking back in hindsight is very much open to perspective, I guess,
As the author L.P. Hartley wrote, "The past is a different country" and after all that waffle, I'd like to congratulate you Jerry, on another highly enjoyable and relatable song!
The dichotomy of this bouncy pop with the lament about a misspent youth gets reconciled nicely when the lyrics resolve into the realizations that come with maturity. Super catchy melody as always, Jerry, and your singing, playing and production are in immaculate fettle.
Great work! love the basic concept, the way you lyrically set it out (leather wings, what a great concept!) and that production builds and builds and it all works so well together-- what an enjoyable listen and great fun!
I love the production on this one - great panning! I am enjoying all the instrumentation - I have so much to learn - you really know when to bring in something new, when to drop it out, and how to create such a full sound. Not only that, but you know how to make it all work together. The vocals and harmonies are on point as always - so smooth and well placed in the mix. Super catchy melody, great forward momentum and such a pleasure to listen to. I also love the celebration of the magical time when we are young. Beautiful song Jerry
This song has a real youthful bounce, Jerry. Very enjoyable. I commend you for remembering your 20s. Some of us are old enough that being 20 is in the ancient history category.
Beautifully fresh, happy, melodious and gorgeous song, Jerry. Love it.
Yeah, definitely one of your best! Well done, Jerry!
Mv new favorite. The music is catchy, your voice at its best, and lyrics that tell the truth Without compromising the illusion.
You had me from stupid things. That is a fantastic song about reminiscing and growth.