not my name

by @miga

not my name

Liner Notes

I've never been interested in making music under my own name, partially because I'd much rather be part of a band than sell my own name.
Also because of my name. My first name is quite old-fashioned, and maybe too big for a small person. My maiden name had two consonants in it that seemed to throw everyone off. My married name is easier to spell and pronounce, thankfully. But even after 13.9 years of (very good) marriage, this married name still doesn't feel like "my" name.

Nothing feels like "my" name and I'm an identity freak at the moment.
I was feeling ornery when I wrote this #short #acousticonetake #folk song

In defense of telemarketers, none of them has ever butchered my maiden name as badly as I did in the first chorus of the song - mostly because I stepped in and helped them as soon as the pause hit.


not my name

my maiden name was a mouthful
judging by the pause of every telemarketer at the beginning of the call

That’s not my name.
Mildred Nasfergiggle is not my name

Folks say they like my first name and that’s all very nice
But it's not the same as answering to it all your blessed life

Mildred Mildred Natzferger
That’s not my name.
Mildred Nofzerger is not my name

Years ago we tied the knot and I took his name
The funny thing about that is I haven’t really changed

Mildred married name
That’s not my name
Mildred plus a married name is not my name

I am not my many names
And you are not yours
I’m held within the mystery of any true identity
As for you and your humanity
I assume your individuality

Would it be too silly
if I asked you for your name?


I like that bouncing breathlessness and especially the double helping of gratitude and exasperation in the phrase all your blessed name. Then the slowed down recognition at the end that imperfect as they are there is something intimate in knowing each other’s names.
Such a refreshing write! Smiles, giggles, and laughs all the way through, how universal when readers have such names, too.

Fab complementing song. Dug the engaging play and comical delivery. Fab style!
Hi, Miga. What a delightful song? I think you handled it beautifully, and I loved your chuckle. 😀
what a great great subject for a song! I love this, you confronted the whole thing head on and with great spirit and humor. I have had similar problems with my last name, .. ha, maybe I should write that song about it!
Very charming song, singing and playing.Fun to listen to.
Clever and amusing but with a deep thought to it as well!
Ha...this is sweet, and funny, and your delivery is lovely. I like the turn at the end, where you get more universal and philosophical.