Twenty Years

by @metalfoot · @kellyk

Liner Notes

@kellyk is the best choice I could have ever made. I am so thankful for 20 years of marriage with her! Marking this as a collab since it wouldn't exist without her. 😀
#lovesong #sappy #acoustic


I don't quite know where the time went
But 20 years passed by in the blink of an eye
I don't quite know how to say this
But I can't imagine life without you as my wife

Twenty years full of blessing
Twenty years full of love
Twenty years full of wonderful gifts
Sent from the Good Lord above

We started out just as two of us
And now we're thriving, and adding up to five
We started out in a small house
Now the house that's twice as large barely meets the charge

Twenty years full of blessing
Twenty years full of love
Twenty years full of wonderful gifts
Sent from the Good Lord above

Through the ups and the downs
The times you nearly died
The chronic illness I live with
We've been by each others' side
Nobody promised it would be easy
But it's sure been loads of fun
I'm so glad that I met you
And that you will always be my one

Twenty years full of blessing
Twenty years full of love
Twenty years full of wonderful gifts
Sent from the Good Lord above


Lovely tribute to Kelly and the life you’ve built together. Happy Anniversary! I like the stop between first chorus and second verse (and again after the bridge). They punctuate the flow well.
Liked the jazzy feel of the bridge and how you fit all the lyrics in quite smoothly. Twenty years deserves a song, certainly! We get a good sense of the challenges along the way too, and the decision to look at the blessings beyond the challenges. Congrats to both of you!!
lovely celebration of a great partnership. good singalong chorus.. .congrats on both the song and the anniversary
This is so fun and sweet, love it! The lyrics made me smile, and the cheerful rhythm had me dancing along the whole way through. That chorus is majorly catchy too, I can already tell I'm gonna have that stuck in my head for some time. Great write, and congrats to you both on 20 years! 😄
Awwwww. Happy anniversary!
Congrats for 20 years of love and all that brings! Beautiful collab!
That's so sweet. It good to se people having such great, long standing relationships. Fun, feel-good tune. Here's to 20 more years!
Ah, must be nice to have a spouse to collaborate with. My girlfriend has written lyrics a couple of times that I set to music--and the songs always come out well. I think we both try harder. Great collaboration! ❤️
Happy anniversary you two! 20 years is quite an achievement! This is a great song about your time together.