The Games I Never Played

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: SPORT (@corinnecurcio)

Liner Notes

Thank you for the prompt! Fist, I'm not sporty. Second, I thought about the word Sport connected with the word games, and the word games has different meaning. Taking into the nostalgic feel here too. Thank you for listening and commenting. My music is open to collaborations. Please let me know if you are interested.

#skirmish #acoustic #collaborationswelcome


Very pretty. I always enjoy listening to your compositions. You don't keep things the same all the way through, which I appreciate. Your sections flow into each other but vary nicely.
I can feel the 'want'. The repetitive melody feels like attitude. Very nice!
The first song I ever listen to on a Monday morning is whatever your latest is, Nadia. And they never disappoint. Another nice contemplative nice-mood-inducing piece. Thanks! ❤️
Beautiful song Nadia! So well played
A pensive but positive feel. The higher melody is beautiful in the way it works with the main. Another masterpiece.
Strong, evocative main melody.
This is full of nostalgia and I feel a longing in my heart. So pretty!