Montana Bound

by @paul_pedersen · @kahlo2013

Montana Bound
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

Paul says: Children grow up, then choose their own paths. As parents, we're always hesitant (and frightened) to let go. Elizabeth Petty put those feelings into the lyrics for Montana Bound in honour of her son and his chosen destination.

Liz says: this is such a meaningful lyric for me as it is about our young adult son moving on by himself to a place he’s never been, no job, no housing lined up — so while I wish for his happiness and success I worry about all of the what ifs… I am so grateful to Paul for the tenderness and heartfelt feeling he brings to this to make it come alive in such a special way that is dear to my heart!


Heading out west, wanting frontier land
Following sunsets, running from plans
Leaving city lights, seeking mountain peeks
Chasing dark sky stars, reaching for dreams

He's Montana bound, moving away from crowds
Needing nature sounds, he's Montana bound
Leaving home to be found, breaking new ground
He's Montana bound
Montana bound

Looking for changes, exploring fresh starts
Pursuing wonder, filling his heart
Yearning for freedom, carving new paths
Pulling tangled roots, growing up fast

He's Montana bound, moving away from crowds
Needing nature sounds, he's Montana bound
Leaving home to be found, breaking new ground
He's Montana bound
Montana bound

He's moving on - I'm trying to let go
He's moving on - my heart is shouting "No!"
He's moving on - I'm needing to let go
He's moving on - as silent tears flow

He's Montana bound, moving away from crowds
Needing nature sounds, he's Montana bound
Leaving home to be found, breaking new ground
He's Montana bound
Montana bound


Another winner, Paul--really enjoying your output this year! ❤️
Lovely hope full melody for new beginnings. May the road ahead be full of great adventure and great memories . Lovely collaboration
A great collab. The word and music convet tenderness and hope in a very authentic and also consise way. The chorus is very moving.
@kahlo2013 - I'm happy that this special song hit the mark for you, Liz. Thanks for including that in the liner notes above.
What a pleasant song! Lovely lyrics and terrific melody. I can see a band performing this on stage with background harmonies and oohs and ahs. This song has legs.
This is a lovely lyric and a lovely melody to support it. I like the delving into your son's mind/heart and giving him credit by recognizing what he needs. It's a lovely tribute to him. And this is a very fine arrangement, it works extremely well.