by @brisk

Liner Notes

What the world needs now is a pale imitation of Fourtet....



Aw, that sample is heart-meltingly lovely. Love how you build the arrangement - the slightly hyperactive bass and that wobbly synth are particularly cool, but loads of other nice textures going on here. The first time I listened the connection to my bluetooth earbuds was going haywire so I thought you'd placed loads of little stops throughout. Second time much better - just the right little stops before that brilliant little spoken coda :)
what a nice piece! really gets in your head!
Not so pale. Rather lovely, in fact. Most enjoyable!
Nice tune, havent really listened a lot to Kieran's solowork, liked his old band Fridge back in the days. But enjoyed this tune took me and my imagination places
I clicked because of the square and loved the reveal in the sample!! My husband listens to Fourtet enough that our son sometimes sings “no no more, no more mosquitos…” 🙂 I like the bright vocal tones here that have a metallic edge, the piano layered with this beat, and the warble effects. Really cool track.
i like the way this builds from nearly nothing into a catchy piano tune. minimalism growing and blossoming into something with leaves and flowers.