I don't talk on purpose

by @cjk

Skirmish: I Don't Talk to People on... (@robinleaf)
I don't talk on purpose

Liner Notes

"I don't talk to people on purpose" should be on my next t-shirt. I love that sentence. So I had to do the skirmish. And that's what happened.
More notes after the song.

#skirmish #donttalkonpurpose #singersongwriter #girlwithguitar #acousticonetake #filk


I Don't Talk On Purpose

I don’t talk to people on purpose
Because one sentence begets the next
And soon you’re doing small talk
And that always leaves me quite vexed

I didn’t snub you and I didn’t look haughty
That is just my normal expression
My mind was elsewhere thinking about dinner
But what you now see that is aggression

I like to hide in the shadows
I prefer to stand slightly apart
I’m more comfortable watching the crowd
Than having a heart-to-heart

I don’t feel superior, I just have no opinion
This topic is not my expertise
Can’t you just leave me out of this discussion
And go back to ignoring me, please?

I don’t talk to people on purpose
Because one chitchat begets the next
And some people expect me to listen
And that always leaves me perplexed

I don’t care about your problems
I only care if I can get you alone
And words really don’t matter
Once I gorge on your flesh and bones

24.07.24/25.07.24 by C.J. Ueberall
Author's notes: I don't know why this happened, I really thought it would be about an introvert just trying to be left alone, no idea where that last verse came from.


Feeling that introvert life. Like the line about crowd watching, and line about being perplexed. The last verse certainly takes a turn. Feel like it could be developed more honestly (or left alone), as it is in an intriguing but dark space.
Most interactions with people tend to involve small talk. Since I run out of small talk quickly, like the narrator in this song, I often prefer not to talk at all. So, except for the twist in the last verse, there's a lot of me in the song.
Oh my! That escalated quickly. The sudden twist into horror was unexpected and brilliant.
@headfirstonly Hopefully you don't empathise with the last verse ... Lol
That last verse rather comes out of left field, doesn't it? Probably best not to comment about how much I empathise with the lyrics, I suspect...
Sometimes I wonder how I became one of the people you DO talk to. Same with my friend Paula who is even more of a hermit than you. But I know you well so I was waiting for the twist! It is well done.
@freshspotlessyouth @jtsteam Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it and found it relatable, and also that you liked the ending.
This had me chuckling darkly from the outset. This is lovely and fierce, and I definitely recognize myself here. I love the way you deliver the words. Oh my, I did not expect that ending :)
I think this is a reasonable philosophy, and one I like to follow. Also I really like the turn it took at the end, wherever it might have come from :).