Digitalis Purpurea

by @mahtowin · @ttg105

Liner Notes

This magical music by Paul Pennyfeather reminded me of a stormy love affair... something unusual perhaps, but unusual things happen everywhere if we just keep our eyes open!
It happened one day on one of my long hikes through the forest when I unexpectedly stepped into a clearing where Digitalis Purpurea was growing and shining towards me. Tiredness overcame me and I just wanted to take a quick break....

mixed for headphones

TTG: Mahtowin weaves a beautiful vocal tapestry around a simple backing track and elevates the song to ethereal heights.

#flowerpower #surealisticloveafair #digitalis #folk


Digitalis Purpurea

Du Wegerich, Du Wanderer!
Legst Deine Hand auf mein Herz!
Du wunderbarer Zauberer -
beruhigst ganz sanft meinen Schmerz!

Du Wegerich, Du Wanderer!
Du magischer Heiler, Du Zauberkraut!
Wo Deine Blüten leuchten
ist mir alles fremd und doch vertraut!

Du wundervoller Wegerich!
Lass mich in Deine Blüten schlüpfen sacht!
Mich legen auf Deinen purpuroten Samt!
Werd mein feenkönig heute Nacht!

Du wunderschöner Purpurroter!
Umarme mich mit sattem Grün!
Lass uns lieben, bis die Bäume beben
und die Farne rot erglühen!

(Digitalis) parviflora, obscura, laevigata, grandiflora, ferruginea, lutea, purpurea, mertogenensis, alba.
Digitalis purpurea

You plantain, you wanderer!
Put your hand on my heart!
You wonderful magician -
gently soothe my pain!

You plantain, you wanderer!
You magical healer, you magic herb!
Where your flowers shine
Everything is foreign to me and yet familiar!

You wonderful plantain!
Let me slip gently into your flowers!
Lay me on your purple velvet!
Become my fairy king tonight!

You beautiful purple one!
Hug me with lush greenery!
Let's love until the trees shake
and the ferns glow red!

(Digitalis) parviflora, obscura, laevigata, grandiflora, ferruginea, lutea, purpurea, mertogenensis, alba.


I have to agree that ethereal is the perfect description for @mahtowin's vocals over this the track. The instrumentation sounds/feels like an endless flowing stream. It's beautiful and the vocals only accentuate the poetry in motion that is happening with this chance encounter with a flower I'd not heard of until now. This is why FAWMland is so amazing. Nice work, you two!
Ode to foxglove! As a once-botanist in my multiple other lives, I appreciate that (though I'd live a love-ballad to the humble liverworts, or the mosses which in sunsets along our country highways in winter turn the verges into liquid gold). Distracted, sorry. Back to the song. A lovely weaving interlaced voice lifting the simple melody and simple lyrics into something remarkable.
@sbs @coolparadiso
It‘s so interesting that you both heard a polynesian / hawaiian influence and vibe!
Since you mentioned that I noticed it, too!
this is so poetic both musically and vocally. i really heard that polynesian influence i used to hear and like so much.
i am feeling the magical healing of your herbal music. paul's guitar is hypnotic and mahtowin's voices lead us through this magical forest.
Love it when you go into the forest. Great duet with the gentle and strong instrumental behind your lilting goodness.
Ooh...this steps along so smartly. I love the way certain notes are accented on the guitar. The backing track is such a crisp backdrop for the ethereal vocals. Somehow it's toe tapping and dreamy, and sexy :)
Vocals are so magical, it doesn't even matter what the words are or in what language. Beautiful accompaniment. It all has a bit of a Hawaiian vibe. I keep expecting to hear "Drums of the Islands." Pure delight!