
by @headfirstonly Mod


Liner Notes

After a hectic couple of weeks I'm finding myself really struggling with the dreaded brain fog at the moment. This is all I've got today.


That organ is heavenly. Love the subtle movement in the pads. The guitar segway had me feeling like Atreyu running past the laser sphinxes. The final section's groove was almost triumphant. Very moving piece.
You've put together an interesting journey. I hear it as an invitation to dream, followed by a suggestion of waking, then a statement that we're back in reality.
That shift around 1:38... very cool transition to the guitar part. And again around 2:25. This one definitely keeps my attention all the way. So good!
Phantom of the ....Hedgehog! (That damn musical has ruined every possible use of a heavy organ chord opening). But for all that, very heavy dark Floydian and I'm waiting for a disaster to leap out of the screen and scare me rigid. Right! made it to the sad sweeping theme. And that sounds magic. If this is brain fog, you can do more of it! And bounce. I reckon you could pick this up alter and enforce classical structures onto it using the segments and end up with a good symphony or at least individual movement thereof. Seriously. Makes me think I need to stop taking the easy way out with the goanna and actually do something multi-instrumental.
That first chord made me think you going full Phantom of the Opera!
Wonderful atmospheric opening but oh the tension and release at 1’39’’!
hopefully the fog is clearing.it sounds a bit like coming out of the mist, i did here that little top gun style bit. very nice listen
This falls somewhere between Tangerine Dream and a Top Gun soundtrack to me, which may sound like a backhanded compliment, but isn't intended as such. It means it's melodic, mesmerizing, exciting, somewhat evocative (to me, anyway) of '80s instrumental music for film, and varied. By varied, I mean its various parts or phases are more than sufficiently different from one another to maintain a high level of interest, which is often something I struggle with with my own instrumentals. If this is the best you've got on a day when you're suffering from brain fog, you're doing pretty darn great.
I only just remembered that 5090 is running, and when I logged in just now this was at the top of my feed.
Now I'm very glad I remembered 5090 was on so I got to listen to this...!
It's like you've magically condensed all the "I think I might actually be able to play this" bits of a 23 minute Dream Theater song into just over 4 mins. Lush, tasteful, energetic when it needs to be. It has distinctly improved my Tuesday evening 😀
Takes awhile to get back in the swing…Intriguing opening… what does it remind me of? My ears are waiting for some wild drums - lol! Then the synth and guitar come in. And there’s the beat - oh yeah! Stellar effects!
This is a very cool atmospheric track...lovely synth sounds, with some nice guitar grooves and licks