
by @robynmackenzie Mod


Liner Notes

In Buddhism, Mara is the personification of death, desire, and destructive attachments. Best dealt with through radical acceptance.

#acoustic #alttuningchallenge #folk


Earth is my witness
Hell is my sickness
Tell me, what is stillness
My mind doesn't know

Is there a darkness
A power to harness
A fruit for the harvest
A god overthrown

Mara, I see you
In the eyes of those who hunger for the taste of tragedy
Mara, I see you
In the ones who speak untruths
Mara, I see you in me

How do I suffer
Embrace like a lover
Nurture like a mother
Rebuke like a foe

And how do I shatter
In ways that will matter
And will my heart scatter
Like ashes or snow

Mara, I see you
In the eyes of those who hunger for the taste of tragedy
Mara, I see you
In the ones who speak untruths
Mara, I see you in me
Mara, I see you in me


Wow - this one really speaks to me! My meditation and philosophical ponderings lately take me to Buddhist places.
Amazing musically and lyrically. The percussion makes it all the more mesmerizing.
This is amazing! Very professional production. I was entranced the whole way through my listen, great work
Love the almost drone-like sound you get with your open tuning - very mystical and appropriate to the Buddha. Cool groove and the tambourine was a great addition. Cool harmonies and excellent production that fits the lyric so well.
Loved the intro, the production, the subject, the lyrics, the mysterious sounds, the delivery - all-around great song!
Also loved the guitar in the background of the "and how do I shatter" verse too - interesting harmony and texture!
Enjoyed the opening and then "what is stillness My mind doesn't know" hooked me completely. The backing vocals add a lot when they come in.
I really like the sound / tuning of that guitar; it's a very intriguing mix of country muscle and sitar-like chiming. It's a lovely and distinctive sound, that's both hypnotic (in an almost literal sense) and well-suited for the subject matter. Plus, your vocals are absolutely splendid, as usual. Entrancing, and swirling, and captivating.
Not sure whether the music or words came first but they complement each other perfectly.
Love this -- the great lyrics, music and performance supporting the theme, the dynamic layers. Haunting sounds.
Hi Robyn, thanks for listening to my latest tunelet. I was thinking it was just too twee for posting, but remembered to silence my inner critic and went ahead anyway. I'm glad you commented, so I got to listen to a bunch of your tunes. I love this Mara, in particular, so spacey, so groovy, so mysterious, impressive lyrics, "How do I shatter in ways that matter"-- really fine.
This is wonderful. I love the guitar - that driving bass-y accompaniment contrasts so effectively with your beautiful, ethereal vocals. The lyrics are fantastic!
This is excellent. I've just started a book on Buddhism that has already given me much food for thought. I love the trancelike vocal and melody. Do more of this, please.
Enticingly hypnotic and engrossing throughout...the vocals, the percussion, the words, the production...all had me entirely gripped...
Love the production on this piece. The doubling of the voice lines in the chorus are great. Also a sucker for the theme, the mystical trance of the instrumentation and the longing (?) voice is paired perfect with the calling out of the name of Mara directly, questioning the entire time, until the end where narrator accepts and states "in radical acceptance". When the drum first kicks, I know I'm in for a journey. Such a cool song.
Digging the prominent percussion, adds a load of atmosphere. Especially when it’s joined by that insistent kick. Feels like this has come off an early Led Zep album. You’ve really captured the spiritual, slightly mystical vibe in the lyrics. Ooh, love those bells at the end too!! Nice one, Robyn!
Love the vibe.
Sweet vocal, reverb delayed guitar and that Kick help Power this along.
Kind of a Melonchaly Meditative Chant.
The last line of the chorus got me. Love the impetus of this and how you made it came to life. Awesome.
This is hypnotic! It sounds both old and new, and I want to listen over and over!
The slow build of more parts/voices coming in really enhances this, creating a vivid landscape. This could be a movie theme/opening song!
This song carries the heavy weight of the baggage we are given and need to let go of. Soothing harmonies and a just edgy enough guitar lick. Solid!
you've captured that slightly mystical feel. nice solid track is pretty earwormy. interesting lyric.