Antisocial caterpillar

by @zu_blus

Skirmish: Bugs (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

For today's skrimish I dug out an old idea of mine and finished it. I had this concept for 6 years, believe it or not and decided to explore it, inspired by this prompt. I can't think of a fitting melody for the life of me, so if someone has an idea for a an instrumental hit me up!

#lyricsonly #needscollab #needsmusic #singersongwriter


[Verse 1]
For a while I missed the signs
When change was taking place
There is a reason that this season
You’ll find me with the plants

The more time passed the more pronounced
Uncertainty’s become
There is a reason I sit and listen
Inside of my cocoon

I’m an antisocial caterpillar
And when it gets too much
I need some time to rebuild
My insides when they're mush

[Verse 2]
Now you know, my cover’s blown
I can’t go out alone
I'm counting seconds, ninety's my record
To call a ride back home

I don't dance, not a chance
I don't even have legs
But I feel the rhythm, nod a little
When I hear my favorite tune

I’m an antisocial caterpillar
And when it gets too much
I need some time to rebuild
My insides when they're mush

So once in a blue moon
When all the stars align
I fly high
And turn into a social butterfly
(Like a social butterfly)

[Verse 3]
It's a long, long process
Conditions apply
We can laugh about it then
When I let my wings expand


I like the rhythm of the chorus so much. It's a lot of fun to sing along. I found myself doubling the chorus each time.
really fine and fun lyric-- and the recitation of it just as spoken word is effective and nicely done!
I fear I'm still in the caterpillar stae despite the blue moons sailing by! Great little lyric this with a whole reality lurking behind the cute and enjoyable words and immages.
A nice analogy - I like the mention of the need the "conditions apply" also the picture of "But I feel the rhythm, nod a little
When I hear my favorite tune"
very interesting and clever. i have to say i havent met many social ones! clever idea