Mama's Quilt

by @mandolinda · @kahlo2013

Mama's Quilt
mandolinda +1

Liner Notes

Lyric by @kahlo2013
Skirmish: Make the Fragment Whole (... (@robinleaf)
#ballad #nostalgia #folk #guitalele #quilting #quilt

Liz says: wow!!! Love this music that brought the words alive. Gorgeous melody and stunning vocals that are so full of warmth and tenderness! Thank you!!!


Mama’s Quilt

corduroy patches
calico prints
kaleidoscope of colors
hues and tints
sewn together
stitch by stitch
filled with warmth that
grows and gives

her quilt covers
my antique bed
I feel her touch
in every thread

her quilt colors
my peaceful sleep
I feel her love in
every dream

seersucker patches
flowery designs
symphony of patterns
checks and stripes
sewn together
line by line
stuffed with love that’s
hers and mine

her quilt covers
my antique bed
I feel her touch
in every thread

her quilt colors
my peaceful sleep
I feel her love in
every dream

fragments of memories
shadows of her mind
pieces of sentiments
patch works of time
lie within mama’s quilt
the fabric poems
she left behind

her quilt covers
my antique bed
I feel her touch
in every thread

her quilt colors
my peaceful sleep
I feel her love in
every dream


Oh, what a sweet collaboration. I pries open a china barrel in the attic last night and found a couple disintegrating quilts below the layer of baby dolls. Quilts remind me of songs - a way of saving stories up for family or friends or strangers. Linda, your voice and strumming feel like adding the backing and quilting to the lyrical top that Liz pieced
Sang with so much love I can the feel the lyrics meaning. Great collab!
What an absolutely wonderful treatment for these touching lyrics. The performance feels so tender and sincere. Fantastic collab!
Lovely lyrics and an INCREDIBLE vocal over them. Terrific collaboration, ladies! ❤️
What a perfect collaboration! The lyrics are so full of lovely imagery and the music just matches the vibe of them beautifully. This has me smiling from ear to ear. I'm finishing a granny square crochet blanket as I listen, which feels very fitting!
Lovely collaboration! Nostalgic memories and beautiful music, a bit reminiscent of a lullaby. Agree that the recording sounds great as well.
Well here's a perfect match up. (patch up?) Liz's short line images of a beautiful memory of nostalgia, & Linda's lovely treatment. 2 consumate story tellers in a special union!~ Lovely.
Linda: I must say the production values here are 1000% better again, It's so great to visit a familiar talent and hear it being better and better presented with each passing challenge. Well done. I remember a time when you were so new to this music recording presenting and your keen need to take it further. That's such a special attitude & you have the self discipline to apply and just listen (!) to the evolution.... Go back maybe and compare some first challenge songs... So happy for your progress.
Thanks so much for your super comments on my latest * for taking the extra minute to leave your comment on Youtube. Much appreciiated.
I knew this was perfect for you! I still think you need a full musical. These lovely lyrics suit your vocals and your style! Very nice collab