She Took Me For Granite

by @jeff9 · @mctown · @vaughan

Liner Notes

#country rock #biab
Full disclosure, even though I also mention in my bio that I use Band In A Box, since there seems to be a sudden proliferation of AI being used this year and sadly, often NOT being disclosed by some folks. (BIAB is not at all a form of generative AI). These lyrics are written by two talented humans. The melody, song structure, the vocals, the arrangement and production are all my doing along with one of the guitar tracks. All the other instrumentation on this one comes from selected chunks of real recordings actually performed by BIAB session musicians for that platform.


She Took Me For Granite
Lyrics - Graham/Daniel
Music - Jeff Walker

After giving her almost everything
Expensive clothes and diamond rings
To her I guess I seemed like Superman
I believed all of the time
That she was gonna be all mine
I guess maybe she didn't understand

She thought I'd be able to share her
That's where she made her first error

She took me for granite
Made of the strongest stuff
I loved the girl, but damn it
I wasn't quite that tough
She needed more than me
And thought I'd agree
To give her what she wants
But I just couldn't stand it
She took me for granite

Guess she expected me to be her rock
A man whose love would never stop
But lately I've felt like some stepping stone
Now my heart's gone hard
My love, it's in shards
And she still thinks I'll never go

repeat chorus:

I was still part of her fantasy
But now she'll have to face reality

repeat chorus:


The title line is just brilliant, and the rest of the lyrics as well. I love the 6/8 timing - perfect! I have a friend who uses BIAB - and it is awesome. The solo generation is so cool. Love your deep vocals - and they are perfect in the mix to my ears. Very nice backing vocals also. Great melody - especially the chorus. I really enjoyed this song.
That hook line is super clever. I love the meaning behind it. Great story and wonderful performance. Love your country vocals, Jeff. Fantastic collab!
Tight, well-structured lyric that tells an authentic, down-to-earth story. Love the metaphorical imagery and its consistency. Wonderful title pun.
Marvellous vocal and musical performance from Jeff. A really fine collaboration. 😊
This is a wonderful collaboration. The perspective and insight are really well developed and delivered! Fabulous arrangement and melody. Great instrumentation and vocals. Radio ready!
That title is worth the price alone but the song is a total winner in every which way...great job @jeff9 @mctown and @vaughan 👍
Great title; chuckling at the context and the outrageous rhymes. LOVE that bridge!
I've been using Band In A Box since the 1990s (and have mentioned that here a dozen times) and agree with you that it "ain't cheating" any more than showing up to a recording studio and telling the guitar play to "Do this", the bass player "Do that", etc. It does a great job getting the "bare bones" to my songs down and then I add on the ear candy (strings, synths, etc.) But about your song: I know it's gonna be Great Country every time these 3 names show up together!! Love this! ❤️
Thanks, y’all!! :)
you three were made for each other! Classic style so well written and delivered - interestingly slower pace
When I saw the title, I thought this was going to be a tongue-in-cheek song, instead it's very touching, with a melancholy overall feeling.
Yes. Thanks for giving it a spin, y'all. One of my favorite Beatle songs is "You Can't Do That". Thanks, Jeff and David!! Nice work!!
thanks you'all..
One of the best pun titles I’ve heard in a good long while 👏 you guys make such an awesome team, this is country rock perfection. Love that chord change on ‘I believed all of the time’, and the way you sing ‘I love the girl but damn it’ in the chorus (in fact the way you sing the whole song, the vocal is excellent).
another excellent lyric from mctown/vaughan receives stellar treatment from musician/vocalist. jeff walker. you cant lose when tese three get together.
Gut wrenching - your vocals are perfect for it! Classic!
Cool and thanks for working on it with us....DG