Waves of Lost Passion

by @paul_pedersen · @cindyrella

Waves of Lost Passion
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

Who can resist lyrics by Cindy Prince? Not me! I'm not sure that I've created the definitive version of what the song should sound like, but it's what happened, shortcomings and all.


I can still feel your body
The tide coming in on the beach
Our sand-covered bodies as one
Even after this much time
I still believe you're out of reach
I never believed you'd be gone

Now the waves of lost passion drown me
The waves of my tears have not dried
I can't stand to have anyone else around me
And I still can't believe how you lied
The pain of total betrayal is raw
Now I just want to withdraw

Often I dream you're beside me
Our love is just like it was
Then I awake all alone
Maybe that'll pass soon
I'll try till it does
And now I hurt down to the bone

Now the waves of lost passion drown me
The waves of my tears have not dried
I can't stand to have anyone else around me
And I still can't believe how you lied
The pain of total betrayal is raw
Now I just want to withdraw


This is so sensual and poignant! What wonderful sensory images and heartfelt feelings in the lyric that are beautifully expressed with the melody and music! Great delivery.
a good lyric that really suits your delivery style! really well put together!
Wow, Cindy! These are some particularly powerful lyrics. VERY nice!

And great job on covering them, Paul--I love when you two "pair up"! ❤️
a moment of sadness. paul inhabits cindy's lyrics with all the betrayed frailty of the words, as the thinker becomes singer to express the feeling of the thought.
Just beautiful melody that I think is a great fit! The chorus is a treasure! Wonderful in so many ways! Thanks so much!
Something about this struck me as unorthodox but enticing at the same time, definitely had me moving
Those two opening chords are worth the price of admission on their own! I think you’ve got the definitive version of what the melody should be, it’s very pretty. Love the shakers when they hit, and the little passing chord going into the chorus. Lyrically, the segue between the physical beach and the waves of lost passion is very cleverly done!