Peak Experience

by @mandolinda · @carleybaer · @catmisgivings

Peak Experience
mandolinda +2

Liner Notes

#rock #metamorphosischallenge #guitelele
@beto sent a song to @catmisgivings , who rewrote the lyrics and to @carleybaer who rewrote the melody. Then both of these were sent to @mandolinda to put it together,singing and playing on my guitalele.
It was a fun experience for me., but I did guess the seed song, I am Canadian.


“Peak Experience” words by CatMisgivings

I bought a flat top guitar
Under the K-Mart blue light
I developed callouses
Over those sixties summer nights
I got the guys together
Formed an ambitious four-piece band Singer left, drummer got poached and I guess that single won’t ever land
Oh, the nostalgia hits
Whenever I think of that number I wish to God I could
Time-travel to that one summer It was my peak experience
They said, “Now, quit your whinin’, Someone’s gotta sweep the floor” Slinging popcorn down at the theater You floated in the door, YES
You were looking so demure
Just swaying on your mom’s verandah Oh, the way you grabbed my wrist
I knew we had to get together
It was my peak experience
Back in those warm sixties summer nights, oh.
We were impatient then
So young and so driven
Oh we had such a yen
If only we had stayed together, together, right? RIGHT?
But it’s a different world now
Everything has changed so goddamn much When I swap the strings on that guitar
I dream of you and miss your eager touch
Never gonna let you go
Embracing on your mom’s verandah
Oh, the way you grabbed my wrist
I knew we had to get together
It was my peak experience
Back in those warm sixties summer nights, oh.
They were the best sixties summer nights, hell yes
We were together all through the night, oh
It was the best sixties summer, summer, summer, summer night whoa


Fantastic story! (Reminded me of a cheap guitar I used to own many years ago, tho not quite as far back as the '60s lol.). Love your strong voice!
I think those vocals are fabulous and this story is so feelgood and fabulous...congrats to all involved!
You even preserved key parts of the meaning! The change of mode really changes the emotional flavor, though ....
This is a fabulous listen. Fresh and nostalgic too. Love the "you floated in" followed by one of many all caps YESses.
This takes me into a parallel universe where things make sense. Good success in this song.
Absolutely great collab! Well done, everyone!
Wow, I was not aware of this process and have since signed up and been assigned my role, This is a cool song. Well done everyone. Vocals are really good and unless I had read about the process, I would not have guessed.
What a cool process that led to this great song! The lyrics are fantastic and the melody flows so beautifully and the delivery is great!
Wow, I love those lyrics. And you did a great job on the vocal. Very nice collaboration, ALL of you! ❤️
excellent song , it has a great feel to it
good vocals and playing !
This a great song! You guys totally "smoked-it" Great writing, composition, vox, performance and production!
Oh wow, the juxtaposition of such descriptive words in such a fast pace against the ukulele strumming! Very unexpected meeting of styles.