Theatre of Flesh

by @charlie_leemburg

NSFW Skirmish: Totally Titular, Volume 2... (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Bet you didn’t expect me to be back again, take these song off my hands, I’ll do them all, well that’s exaggerating

Also my dumb ass started writing theater when the title says theatre, forgive me, for my mistake, this song is a mistake. This title was good though, sorry if I ruined it, it was ment to be that way.


This is what they call audience participation
All the losers will be killed
Dried up, skin torn off
Made into puppets for a theater of flesh
They tried their best
But ended up
Cut in half
And sown together
With bodies of other contestants
They couldn’t rhyme
Went out of line
Now they coat the walls
While they decay
The smell of rotten flesh sends the scared ones away
But the one’s who are brave
Will entertain
A baby’s nightmare
A bloody mess
Well the writing’s awful
But at least the act will impress
In a theater of flesh


Well this is grossly gruesome and disturbingly dark! The vivid images create chills!
Strange...I searched the list of Fawmers but couldn't find anyone named Poe!
Ooo. Vivid and gruesome and horror filled. Good writing though!
Gruesome. This is pretty horrific. But then the title does invite a certain amount of gore. Very descriptive. Be interested to see what music would go with it.
Something about the macabre singsong nature of this reminds me of Lemony Snicket/A Series of Unfortunste Events. It’s quite gruesome, I mean that in the best possible way.