To Someone That I Used To Know

by @jtsteam

To Someone That I Used To Know

Liner Notes

Waaaaaay out of my comfort zone here, but I've been trying to get something like this down for ages, and the idea for how to do it hit me while I was wandering about at lunch time today. An instance of an old trope, perhaps, but also some #neurospicy #ukulele #filk. You're clever people, so I won't say who the message is for.

This took a few goes to actually get through the whole thing. It's probably the best it'll get.

Fear not, silliness has resumed as soon as possible.


I [D]don't think you'll remember
But I [G]met you long a[Bm]go
This [G]message is ad[D]dressed to someone
[A]That I used to [D]know

I [D]know your closest friend
Is that [G]8 bit CP[Bm]U
The [G]numbers that you [D]care about
Are [E]650 and [A]2

The [D]kids all think you're weird
Don't [G]fit in with the [Bm]rest
I [G]suppose, in a [D]way,
They're [E]probably cor[A]rect

And [G]everything right [A]now must seem
Un[D]reasonably [Bm]hard
But you [G]haven't found the [D]words yet
To de[A]cipher who you [D]are

I [G]don't think you'll re[F#m]member
But I [G]met you long a[A]go
This [G]message is ad[D]dressed to someone
[A]That I used to [D]know

You [D]might feel like an alien
A[G]bandoned here at [Bm]birth
Your [G]mission to ob[D]serve the folks
Who [E]roam the planet [A]earth

You're [G]going to feel you [A]don't belong
[D]From time to [Bm]time
You'll [G]teach yourself to [D]fake it
And [A]how to toe the [D]line

I [G]don't think you'll re[F#m]member
But I [G]met you long a[A]go
This [G]message is ad[D]dressed to someone
[A]That I used to [D]know

Your [D]silly sense of humour
You'll [G]wear it as a [Bm]mask
And it [G]fits but you can [D]take it off
[E]When you get the [A]chance

And [G]you won't hide for[A]ever
[D]Nose inside a [Bm]book
The [G]world is full of [D]more like you
If [A]you know where to [D]look

I [G]don't think you'll re[F#m]member
But I [G]met you long a[A]go
This [G]message is ad[D]dressed to someone
[A]That I used to [D]know

[G]I don't know the [F#m]postcode
For [G]198[A]5
But I [G]promise you that [D]one day soon
You're [A]going to find your [D]tribe


I like the gentleness and affection that come through in the words and music.

(At first, I thought you were writing a song for Apple ][, but later verses changed my mind.)
Love it. Very neurospicy and compassionate.

Also, you might want to submit it to the song contest at FotLR for September. Check in with Lem for that.
Wait — I thought we hadn't met in person till this year. :)
Nice lyric. Felt a very supportive song. To all those who don't always fit in. Produced abd sung very well. I like the sentiment and the song.
Such a nice thought - captured lyrically, very well. I feel I've got the message (though, still bewildered a bit by 650 and 2... but I feel it's likely "computer-y stuff" ?) Regardless - finely played, and an enjoyable listen.
This is beautiful, and wonderfully written and performed. I'm sure a lot of people will relate to this story. I think we all would like to have received a letter from our future selves telling us that things will be okay.

That and I love the E chord!
Interesting lyrics, great take on them, very well done
i presume you are writing this song about yourself.
A very insightful and empathetic lyric sung with great compassion and excellent song indeed!
Wow, it sure is dusty in here. <3 If you find that postcode, I'd like it too, please.