Half The Battle

by @jerrypettit

Liner Notes

Liner notes? Drawing a blank today.

But, gee--I hope you like the song. I think it's purty...



Words & Music
Jerry Pettit

I see the questions in your eyes,
Wondering who is wrong or right.
We’ve been dancing on thin ice,
Hiding hurts we have inside.

But if we reach out through the pride,
Take down the walls we hide behind,
We might see a brand new side,
And find a truth we can’t deny.

It’s HALF THE BATTLE, to say, “I’m sorry,”
HALF THE BATTLE, to tell your story.
When hearts talk, let’s listen, start to mend,
Because loving one other is how we will win.

We’ve been spinning in this loop,
Misunderstood words, twisted truths.
But every argument we can close,
Brings us back together, and love grows.

So let’s clear the air tonight,
Hold each other, and not fight.
In each other's arms, we'll find the light,
And together make things right.

It’s HALF THE BATTLE, to say, “I’m sorry,”
HALF THE BATTLE, to tell your story.
When hearts talk, let’s listen, start to mend,
Because loving one other is how we will win.

Silence isn’t golden when it
breaks a loved one's heart,
Words left unspoken
can tear a love apart.
But every time we dare to share
what’s deep inside,
We heal a little more,
find less to hide.


It’s HALF THE BATTLE, to say, “I’m sorry,”
HALF THE BATTLE, to tell your story.
When hearts talk, let’s listen, start to mend,
Because loving one other is how we will win.

© 2024, Jerry Pettit


The vocal lift of the chorus is really nice. I was sort of wondering how moving to the relative major would work for the bridge. Nice guitar solo & sound!
Jazzily poptastically smooth! Such a slick, almost rat-pack feel to these wise words. So cool!
I like the bouncy beat to this one -- I could allllmost feel it going that direction just from reading over the lyrics. A thoughtful message.
More than half i reckon - good observational pick up! has a bit more jazzy feel. I really like this style on you!
Beautiful song, Jerry. Strong, catchy and melodious. Instantly likable and memorable. Love it.
You don't need liner notes to sell this song, Jerry. It has all the strength it needs to take us in and hold us till the end. Super duper!
Real purty! Did they used to call this kinda music Yacht Rock?
Whatever...it works for me and is another song for inclusion in the ever growing 'JP Excellence Canon'...
Yes, Jazzy! A bit smouldering... love the evocative chord progressions... And your vocals are perfect for the vibe. One of my favorites!
cool jazzy rhythms and i like hearing the bounce in your voice. when i read the title, i tought it was Half the Bottle, so was surprised it wasnt about drunkards. but about a couple who get closer after ever fight they have, love that chorus.