Bringing Home The Bacon

by @ohljazz · @vaughan

Bringing Home The Bacon
ohljazz +1

Liner Notes

Always fun to set @vaughan 's words to music! Couldn't resist this fun blues lyric (, which I interpreted with a simple melody and quick piano arrangement. #guywithpiano #blues #bluespiano #jazzpiano
Here's the lead sheet:


She took advantage of my lovin'
Yeah, she really played me for a fool
She took advantage of my lovin'
Yeah, she really played me for a fool
While I was bringing home the bacon
She was bringing home the blues

I'd try to call her every day
But my calls would not go through
I'd try to call her every day
But my calls would not go through
While I was bringing home the bacon
She was bringing home the blues

One day I came home early
Much to her surprise
How could I expect she'd be in our bed
With some other guy

There sure ain't no worse way
For a good man to get bad news
While I was bringing home the bacon
She was busy bringing home the blues


There’s a bounce in this blues that gives the same old sad sad story an edge of goodbye and good riddance.
Thanks for the positive feedback!!
@vaughan just added a link to the lead sheet
Outstanding piano playing - great bluesy styling. Oh these lyrics are great! Love your melody and very nice vocals - wonderful phrasing. Great musical treatment on the bridge. This song sounds like a classic!
Wow, this is a great collaboration!
Wow! That piano sounds terrific--as does your vocal over these wonderful blues lyrics. Great collaboration! ❤️
couldn't resist a listen with this title. Great job from both of you I can picture myself sipping a long island ice tea on a cruise ship with you jamming away in the background. cracking stuff
Yay!! It's a song now! Thank you, Oren!! 😀
Thanks @billwhite51 & @kc_ ! Honored to be linked to Mose.
@billwhite51 nailed it - This is killer love the whole package... Lyrics, playing, writing and production. Really like your vocal stylings...
delightful romp in the mose allison style. the piano and vocals are a perfect for vaughan's lightly tragic lyricism