I Pray

by @paul_pedersen · @lyricslinger

I Pray
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

Perhaps this is a religious song for those who don't follow a religion. Simon Wright posted the lyrics and I had to have some fun with them.


I pray that I don't get sucked in by religion
I pray that my mind and heart remain strong
Though Death will grow close with scythely precision
I pray that I'll still know right from wrong

I don't need a book or threats of damnation
To care for those in need or make a donation
I don't need a preacher intent on saving souls
From the wrath of his god - that schtick is so damn old

I pray that the new gods go the way of the old ones
I pray that they don't spark any more wars
Though streets burn with rising rebellion
I'll place my faith in reason and laws

I don't need a book or threats of damnation
To care for those in need or make a donation
I don't need a preacher intent on saving souls
From the wrath of his god - that schtick is so damn old

I won't belittle those who find comfort
I wish them sweet dreams as they head to their lord
But I wish that we'd all just worship nature
And our place within it, be of one accord

I don't need a book or threats of damnation
To care for those in need or make a donation
I don't need a preacher intent on saving souls
From the wrath of his god - that schtick is so damn old


I was exploring @lyricslinger's page when I saw that you had also been captivated by this lyric. Love your rendition; it makes the message even more meaningful.
I really liked the lyric when I read it before and this melody and flow is a wonderful delivery that moves the message along perfectly. I love the expression in the vocals!
Good rendition
I agree, you do not need religion to be a good person. This is well written, a strong message with some humor mixed it. Love the catchy melodies and lighthearted vocals. Super enjoyable song! Great collab.
You may not have a choice on these issues, depending on how the election goes.

You and @lyricslinger may even find yourselves under arrest for this song. :-)

That said, I DID love the lyrics and you know I always love your songs/singing, Paul. ❤️
a witty missive against the pretensions of todays quasi-religious power elite who use fear to manipulate our attitudes toward their evil machinations.
Words after my own heart. (-:
As always, a tight, cohesive, spot-on lyric from Simon, coupled with a creative, catchy vocal and musical performance.
Fine collaboration. (-:
What an intro! Then the relaxed, cool acoustic song. It all rolls along perfectly. Wise lyrics.
Thanks @paul_pedersen ! Love it. The organ at the start and end are inspired choices!
Ha..a .hymnal sounding anti anti hymnal song. My God, you had fun with this.lol. well done Paul.
Excellent anti-hymn, so many great lines here but particularly love ‘scythely precision’, the use of the word ‘schtick’ and the line about not belittling those who do believe (which I think is an important counterpoint to make). Paul, as @hyssop says, that organ intro is inspired, and then your trademark bounce and lightness of touch shines through in the rest of the track. Well done both!
I love the organ intro & then the switch up! This is a great collab- well crafted lyrics and catchy music. Props to you both, it's a wonderful song!