One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty-Six

by @headfirstonly Mod

One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty-Six

Liner Notes

Another very #short #metasong which came about because I updated the #spreadsheet I keep of all the songs that I've written since I signed up for FAWM many years ago. Doesn't everyone?


Got out of bed this morning
Got up to my usual tricks
And started writing song one thousand,
Three hundred and sixty-six

Some songs were fantastic
Others not so great
But if you keep on writing them
They sure accumulate

I do this to bring peace of mind
And so I say to you
One day when you wake up, you'll find
you've thirteen hundred, too


Man, this is some juicy stuff! That one guitar lick and its tone should be patented. And that muscular bass! Anyone ever say they hear a little Warren Zevon in your vocals? Great production.
The tones coming from the guitar are awesome and I love the sliding I hear beneath the vocals. All around great playing and really fun lyrics.
Ah, yes. That bass pops and warms very neatly ... and I like the details too -- like the bass drum head flap sound! very subtle 👌

[I'm another discography/tracking spreadsheet user -- now, um, morphing into an app 🤓]
Great guitar tones.

(Yep, spreadsheet. Extra fields get heavy use for progress notes whenever I'm in album mode.)
Hah, great idea! Nicely laid back adds so much extra humour to the lyrical content. the guitar riffery is as sweet as it is feverish. Awesome work all round, and much love for all the extra music in the world!
I think I'm around 500 for my lifetime. Got a late start. The only spreadsheet I keep related to music is one of Titles I want to use. Been collecting them from weird places for several years now. (By "weird places" I think I mostly mean my brain...)

Great song, by the way--they always are! ❤️
Love the squonky lead guitar and the lumbering rhythm section. The change-up in the middle a very nice touch. BTW, I do the same thing ... I'm nearing 5,000!
Even on my tiny phone speaker this just sounds *SO BIG*

Great stuff!
intro drew me completely into the song: lovely bass. Rest of the song equally good performed! That guitar sound and the vocals are outstanding!
Cool spacious guitar tones.
Nice playing and a fun lyric to boot.

Well done, enjoyed the listen!
Stunning guitars. Robert Fripp is in this somewhere in a good way! Great ending too. After a little while I find I'm still humming the melody.
I saw the song title in my list and somehow knew it related to the number of songs you've written, wow. Guitar tone is great, kicks right from the off.
Glad I stumbled upon this little gem. Awesome guitars and melody. And this song's topic really spoke to me as I do indeed have a spreadsheet where I record (a) all the lyrics I've written, and (b) all the songs that kind musicians have created from them. But I order mine by year - don't yet have a running all time total .... but that's something I may now do!
Love that bluesy, slightly proggy groove, especially when the screeching guitar comes in. Always love a metasong during these songwriting challenges! I feel like we've all gotta write at least a couple. This one is definitely one of the better ones, love how tight the lyrics are. And musically and production wise this is really, cool -- love the breakdown at around 1:20.
I tried to count my total once and had to quit at about 600.
I suppose a spreadsheet might help.
I just use good old pen and paper.
I love your vocals here a lot.
And that descending double guitar line.
That's an awesome bass line, too.
Congrats on all those songs!
Oh my goodness! This is amazing! Those guitars and your swanky vocals! So Bougie Bluesy!
I have never thought about doing that but it's a good idea! (off to create spreadsheet with extra data to fill in later). Love the little jam at the end!