Grow Out Of the Gutter

by @complexissimple

Skirmish: In/Out of the Gutter (@robinleaf)
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Liner Notes

This deserves a lower, more gravelly (and probably a bit twangy) voice than anything I can manage at the moment. If anyone feels like running my exhausted mumbling through some sort of filter to produce that effect, I will thank you.

I think I lost track of what I'd done before more than usual for this type of improv, but I'm recovering from a migraine and finding it hard to think at all. The phone ringing in the middle didn't help (although it did give me some instrumentation ideas, so there's that).

I saw a photo recently of strawberries growing from roof gutters, but I'm pretty sure they were no longer attached to a roof. You probably shouldn't go plant some in yours right now.

#country #countryfolk


Didn't they grow (out of the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out of the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out of the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out of the gutter)

[Verse 1]
You ever seen a rainbow out the gutter?
You ever seen the moon glow out the gutter?
You ever see a cat tiptoe
Is it up or down, he don't know
At my house the strawberries grow out the gutter

Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)

[Verse 2]
You ever seen a tadpole out the gutter?
You ever heard the wind blow out the gutter?
You ever seen a young sheep mow
He don't know if it's high or low
At my house strawberries grow out the gutter

Out the gutter
Out the gutter
Out the gutter
Out the gutter
C'mon, getcher gol-durn mind out the gutter
You ever seen a sailboat go
He don't know if it's high or low
As long as the rain waters flow
Out the gutter

Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)

[Final Chorus]
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow (out the gutter)
Didn't they grow...
Out the gutter
Out the gutter
Out the gutter
Out the gutter
[ad infinitum]


I love that image of Strawberries growing out of the gutter still attached to the roof. It takes a kind of neglectfulness and turns it towards delight. We mostly have maple trees growing up there. I like this recording of you excavating for the shape of the song. Also like the repetition of that phrase out the gutter.
Love the concrete imagery and repetitions! I have to echo drgriff that doing this with a migraine hangover is really impressive. I hope you feel better soon!!!
The repetition works really well here and I love how your develop the concept with the images and questions in the verses. Nice flow to the melody!
This was fun to listen to and has a good strong focus with the series of questions all pointed toward the same place.
The fact you did this with a migraine hangover is super impressive. I love the imagery you've given us here.
I'm not sure how you do anything with even a little migraine but you sure have. A lot of great images and a sweetness to it !
Lots of unexpected beautiful images, all coming together with a similar message/feeling. The strawberries are particularly vivid.