One Bright Day

by @nahlej381

NSFW Challenge: Idiom

Liner Notes

#lofi #hiphop #indie #emo #mentalhealth #nihilismforbeginners
#notasinger #challenge #idiom

ayyyy. just making sounds and things.

weirdo rap tune some plays on words to get the weekly idioms challenge in. a lot of non-idioms, and references to some random children's rhymes and a through-line of nihilism and general incompetence.

one bright day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight
back to back they faced eachother
drew their swords and shot each other
the def policeman heard this noise
came and shot the two dead boys
if you don't believe this lie is true
ask the blind man
he saw it too

does anyone know what that is from? my grandfather used to say it when i was a kid and it's just sorta rattled around in there ever sense...


one bright day in the middle of the night
i wasn't scared to death, but i'm terrified of life

i don't listen fa shit
silly little nihilist
dreams are for kids
tattooin' cartoons inside my eyelids
while i jot down or roll up this papyrus
snatch ya soul right up out ya iris
i been thinkin stupid shit
if ignorance is bliss
then why the fuck am i depressed?
if i don't give a shit then why the fuckin' fuck am i fucking stressed
i guess the rest of the puzzle pieces maybe suggest
i'm a lazy little shit ass booger butt
stoner with a chip on his shoulder
so big it tied him on the tracks and drove the train that ran him over
game over try to compartmentalize but it's the same all over
what had happened was he was graspin at straws and passin' bud
passin' the buck hackin up lungs not having em to give fucks
rollin' big blunts thinking life is just like a snipe hunt

one bright day in the middle of the night
i wasn't scared to death, but i'm terrified of life

my glass half empty but every drop left look delicious
when i get to feelin happy i start to get suspicious
trapped in the thoughts of nothing in my head
haunted by ghosts and monsters under beds
my life is like i'm lost in the woods i can see every tree
but the forest is gone for good
i been thinkin stupid shit
if ignorance is bliss
then why the fuck am i depressed?
if i don't give a shit then why the fuckin' fuck am i fucking stressed
i guess the rest of the puzzle pieces maybe suggest
i coulda tried harder read a book and died smarter
live-laugh-loved like there's no tomorrow
instead of just waiting until there's no tomorrow
if ignorance is bliss
then why the fuck am i depressed?
if i don't give a shit then why the fuckin' fuck am i fucking stressed

one bright day in the middle of the night
i wasn't scared to death, but i'm terrified of life


How cant you like this - the music will be in my head for hours! and i remember that poem as well. Love it man
Ah, I do enjoy your "sound design"--especially when accompanied by such good lyrics. Great job!
I think that rhyme goes back to British folklore and oral history going back to the Middle Ages and has been passed down the generations in various forms...
You update the dark aspects of those verses for modern sensibilities with may I say, a bangin' track!
This prompt was made for you. Cool bell sound and maybe some kind of glitchy effect on it. Anyway idiom fits you like a glove lol.
look at you man with the hooky chorus bars, I was honestly singing along to this by the end. Enjoyed the light instrumental too it was kind of uplifting and bouncy. Flow and lyrics also great too man, quite thought provoking, enjoyed this one dude!
My man - this hook is gold. I dig the approach to this week's challenge and there's a lot of thought within the play on words and other enigmas embedded within your verses. You should do more like this, pal. I very much like the hook. You're a hooker.
love it. “when i get to feeling happy i start to get suspicious” is a very relatable line
@lindsaymachine my bad. Feel free to use that line as it’s yours anyways. We can share. I learned my manners and I’m good at sharing…as well as quickly developing psychic links witch cool folk 😎🤓
I think you maybe reached inside me and found that "if I don't give a shit then why am I depressed" line. A quality song for those of us trying to figure out this adulting thing.
that is the original poem, but i like yours better. This is my favorite style of your many styles and nobody else can touch it.
Two Dead Boys by Tyler Rager

Ladies and gentleman skinny and scout
I'll tell you a tale I know nothing about
The admission is free so pay at the door
Now pull out a chair and sit on the floor

On one bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other

The blind man came to see fair play
The mute man came to shout hooray
The deaf policeman heard the noise
And came to stop those two dead boys

He lived on the corner in the middle of the block
In a two story house on a vacant lot
A man with no legs came walking by
And kicked the lawman in his thigh

He crashed through a wall without making a sound
Into a dry creek bed and suddenly drowned
A long black hearse came to cart him away
But he ran for his life and is still gone today

I watched from the corner of the table
The only eyewitness to facts of my fable
If you doubt my lies are true
Just ask the blind man, he saw it too
Nihilism For Beginners! Love it! (I know I shouldn't). The song is far far better than the liner notes might suggest. There's a huge amount of what bedevils all of us (well, me anyway) up front in these lyrics! The "no tomorrow " sequence is brilliant, wish I'd thought of that!
Great Rapping and catchy Chorus! Challenge conquered!
Always love the ones where you rap and then give us a brilliantly pure and catchy hook! I was singing along from the first refrain. Which was problematic as I’m on a busy train. The words are typically majestic, they feel at once personal and universal. One of the great things about writing songs is it helps us make sense of ourselves, and it really feels like you’re doing that here (even if you modestly say it’s just sounds and things). No idea where your grandfather got those lines, but I love that everyone will have these slightly nonsense verses handed down through the generations! Anyway, that’s all a long-winded way of saying I dig this track :)