A Secret Life of Nostalgic Alien

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Secret Lives of Other Bei... (@robinleaf)

Liner Notes

Host: @robinleaf
Theme: Secret Lives of Other Beings
Thank you for the inspiration.
Thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts.
Please let me know if you are happy to collaborate on a song version or you have other ideas.

#skirnish, alien, nostalgic, acoustic_piano #collaborationswelcome
© 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


Between the title and the execution, I got the impression of an alien visiting this planet after our world has collapsed and us "clever apes" have long since disappeared. Our alien visitor can see there was a civilisation here once and wishes he could report that at last his expedition had found evidence of other intelligent life, but no, here was further evidence that uncontrolled greed leads to self destruction.

All of which makes this a distant cousin to my "Fermi Paradox" song.
Sounds like a movie theme song, that's for sure. The melody is very memorable, which is key to movie themes. As @nwhosings was saying, the creative cycling between two chords is perfect for the emotional feeling, and that is the main method used by Hollywood for this cinematic style. Very well done.
Yeah, you definitely got even better from "last season". Loving these pieces you're doing. I'm nostalgic a lot these days (it's called "getting old") and this piece in particular takes me back to Old Movies so much... ❤️
There's a kind of "vintage," timeless feel to this that I very much enjoyed, and that creates a nice counterpoint to the "science fiction" concept of the alien referenced in the title. Kind of like the title has us looking "forward," while the nostalgic, reminiscing feel to the music has us looking "back," which creates a very cool mental effect. Plus, the fact that the music, as always, is absolutely lovely and full of emotion contributes immeasurably to the impact, of course!
Oh, the places my imagination can go with the idea of a nostalgic alien.....
Love the tension built by cycling between two chords, that slow resolution is really satisfying.
What a sort of mysterious memorable song Nadia! Timeless!
So beautiful and moody! It vaguely reminds me of Studio Ghibli- dark but hopeful. I love the build up of tension in the 2 minute mark and the gentle ending. Really lovely work!