Time Forgot

by @nwhosings

Skirmish: Secret Lives of Other Bei... (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

As a neurodivergent person, and someone who wrestles with C-PTSD from religious trauma, I struggle with the concept of existence. So when I read the prompt, I immediately felt like sometimes my existence is a secret I don't know. I started thinking about how I also tend to personify inanimate objects, especially ones I find special in various ways. So this song measures the mystery of my existence and struggle to understand it, by describing objects currently dear to me.
Music coming.
#singersongwriter #meditation #creativity #identity


What is being?
What is not?
Can you be what time forgot?

Fossil resting on my chest
Floating up with every breath
Anchors me to what is left

What is being?
What is not?
Can you be what time forgot?

Pencil grasped within my hand
Scratching paper's snowy lands
Reconnects what's unsuspected

What is being?
What is not?
Can you be what time forgot?

Ukulele in my arms
Matching every vocal charm
Tamber, sweeter than a lark

What is being?
What is not?
Can you be what time forgot?

Sun above and earth below
You know more than I can know
Do you still know me?


Deep and evocative. Can't wait to hear the music!
wow, very poetic and I love the line 'scratching paper's snowy lands'
So much philosophical depth in honed, well-crafted lines! I look forward to hearing the full song!
So poetic and insightful. Really well crafted lyric. The questions work really well to provoke thought.
This is so pretty...I love the searching and pensive mood. Please tag me when this has a demo! ♥️
Beautiful lyrics. I'm looking forward to hearing them.
In the science fiction story Blindsight, a crew works in a magnetic field so strong it meddles with their brains. One of them starts believing he doesn't exist, and keeps saying so, even when confronted with the paradoxical question how he could say this if it was true. One of them comments that the brain has a gauge for everything, even for existing. Your text breathes the same unique curious depth of philosophical thought to me.
I like your descriptions and imagery. I particularly like the pencil " ...scratching paper's snowy lands" Nice work.
This is beautiful! You've captured the existentialism well. I appreciate the "fossil" line, growing up in a religious family who believed they couldn't exist. Secret life of other beings, indeed. I really like where you took this prompt, good work! (And if you upload a demo later, tag me! I'd love to hear it!)