Zombieland (Movie title Challenge)

by @kosch

Zombieland (Movie title Challenge)

Liner Notes

First time trying the movie title Challenge - I (obviously) got Zombieland, and I'm afraid my mind went to a very different place than the movie...
I'm also back at trying to learn how to "twist knobs" again (I always tell myself I will continue learning Logic in the offseason...and then never do) so it's a multitrack attempt. (it needs work, but...)
Also - fairly new to singing (compared to many here), - this is my first attempt ever at singing a harmony (I have no idea what interval I ended up at, but I think I like it.)
PS - I'm not actually that pessimistic...it's where the title took me 🙂 🎵
#movietitlechallenge #rock #topical


Aimless wandering - disconnected
Distant thunder - unexpected

Darkness falling - keep yourself safe
All alone - Feeling out of place

Trapped in this nightmare, of Zombieland
Empire has fallen - the dead walk the land

Something special, we were seeking
A Republic...if we could keep it

Don't follow us - we went the wrong way
Covered in rust - we threw it all away

Now we wander - disconnected
Distant thunder - unexpected

Trapped in this nightmare, of Zombieland
Empire has fallen - the dead walk the land

"Welcome, welcome, welcome, to Zombieland...where you can live free...just the way we tell you to.
For a limited time - no money down - you, yes you, can become part of Zombieland"


Great slow walk chug guitar, like a western style gunslinger stalking zombies in an abandoned town with a distant radio coming from somewhere at the end.
I like the driving metal chords and the doubling of the vocals. There's an end-of-the-world sound captured here, for sure! "For a limited time" is a great reminder at the end and I love the tonal and rhythmic shift in that outro. :)
great guitar tone.. ominous ! spooky ! zommmmbie stuff. I hear a little Alice Cooper in this...all good. Cool
Heavy... the only way to go. Like the little Star-Wars tid-bits added in. And the nice little "advertisement" approach to the ending.
The groove!!!!! Instant love for this. Those backing vocals add great atmosphere. This is a wonderful example of spare but evocative lyrics. Very cool!
i love this music and your vocals fit right in. i even like your harmonies. the opening riff reminds me of the peter gunn theme, and sets a creepy crawkling we will eat you mood.