Song For Shersh

by @trebled

Liner Notes

#sad #lovesong #fuc

For the best friend I ever had…


Song For Shersh

Shersh, this song’s for you
I know you’ll just ignore it
Cos that’s what you always do

You know that it kills me inside
The way you turn your back on me
Cast my love aside

Talk to me, please talk to me
Please just acknowledge my existence
Talk to me, tell me how it is
It’s the only way to break the back of my persistence

Shersh, this song’s for you
I hope you won’t ignore it
Cos that’s what you always do

You know that it kills me inside
The way you turn your back on me
Cast my love aside

Talk to me, please talk to me
Please just acknowledge my existence
Talk to me, tell me how it is
It’s the only way to break the back of my persistence


Oh, this feels like a love song of the anxiously attached to the avoidant lover. So much pathos in the misaligned connection. Your singing and playing are beautiful, and the repetitive lyrics fit so well.
The lyrics read as very sad, and I find myself wandering to a lot of possible stories -- a pet, a friend, a lover, a family member. It could work in any of those directions. Lovely musical track and vocals, including the harmony. Very nice.
Really nice feel of reflective melancholy. The combo of the layered vocals and the keyboard makes it very "warm" sounding. Nice vox!
Oh, wow! This is great! Love your warm voice and the layered vocals! Sad and beautiful song and a really clever mix!
Enjoyed this very much!
You have a wonderful and warm feel in your voice. This is heartbreaking and beautiful. So good to hear your music, Del :)
Such a lovely song! Wonderful flow, love your gentle deep vocals and nicely played strings, and the synth adds are just perfect.
beautiful in a sad way! - love the way that synth comes in! love the flow and rhyming - such a fine song! top class kudos!