Puddles of Cat

by @newukenewyork

Challenge: Refrain (No Chorus)

Liner Notes

“Puddles of Cat” - #fawm 50/90 2024 original song 6

In solitude, happiness and sorrow may both be close company.

I have a vague memory of writing these lyrics last summer — I think around a prompt. They’re a bit unusual, both about the comfort of animal friends and also about mortality, and they could have gone less moody but I think I like this take on them.

Just two chords worked for the verse and refrain melody, then I went a bit wild on the bridge. It almost works for one chord progression challenge, but not quite. For this reason, I submit it to the #breaktherules challenge. And I think it fits the #nochorus challenge, as I did see this as having a repeating refrain rather than a chorus.

All my originals: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6mTUlPL-MmAm45IMVgat1necrh2mGnT6&si=sAdXP581ZNU__9rn

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #midemfoke #americanasati


Sometimes alone
In the geodesic dome
You call home
It pierces you through

Puddles of cat to wrap across you
The lean of a dog when you’re blue

Sipping your tea
Where the sunlight would be
But it’s rainy
And you feel it, too


Small needs, you’re down in the weeds
Everyone leaves
And one day it will be you
Who skips rocks with your breath
And learns whether death


Feels like it sounds
There’s a medicine found
Kit and a hound
Small riches accrue



Sweet I remember this lyric nice , brilliant delivery so calming , like the maj 7 chords
My daughter has a cat named Schmoo. When Schmoo curls up in my daughter's lap, she refers to it as a "puddle of Schmoo." As you can tell from that story, I was attracted to your song because of the title, but I have to say the melody and the performance kept me engaged. Lovely piece!
This is very pretty. It's an emotional song, I can feel it.
Lovely metaphors in your lyrics sung in that bluesy, jazzy way - 'tis a joy to listen to.
Lovely lyrics with such a beautiful melody. I like the simplicity of the chords early on, as well. It lets me focus primarily on the voice and words. Wonderful song!
So so so beautiful!
Animals are important to me, too.
I found my way here as you were called the best song maker.
You might be! :)
Aw geez. This made me sad-smile. I can't have pets because I'm allergic but I love cats so much. I'm a cat-aunt, I visit them when I can. We hold the friends we can while we can, including furry ones - and "learns whether death holds" is such a rich reference to this. So sweet and aching at the same time.
the cat on my lap and I love the gorgeous melody of this beautifully written song that touches my soul - what a lovely poetic way to provoke reflection on life, love, and death.
how do you fashion such a gorgeous melody across such a simple arrangement? and then squash the sentimentality of animal comfort with a glimpse of ones ultitimate demise? brilliant.
I can relate to this as I usually have a puddle of cat on me (love that phrase btw and it's 100% accurate). You really have a great way with both words and melody.
Ooooh! Major sevenths on a ukulele- so gorgeous. Beautiful melody particularly on the refrain. Very well sung. Wise and deep lyrics.
This song is very compelling. I like the animal friends aspect, and the chorus is powerful. It has some dark sentiments, but it left me feeling good after hearing it. Nice job!