Little Brother of War

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Random sentences from a r... (@robinleaf)
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Liner Notes

Now I really don't have that many books, but I managed to find an English one I could find a phrase for a title.

Now here's my cool challenge for you guys
Just click that link:
I made a nice webpage this time
Listen to it, it has the lyrics there too and feel free to discuss in the comments
I wish I did take more sentences than just a title but yeah, sorry


[On the webpage]


The use of repetition here is catchy and effective. I like the simplicity of lines that carry a depth of meaning. Cool groove.
I like the little bit of a twist in the chorus at the end.
Makes me think of kids launching snowballs at each other on a gloomy winter day. Not sure if that was the intention. The music has a nice lilt to it
It's a great title, though, and it works really well! I like how the word "little" is echoed through it. Nicely done.
Nice poetic turn in connecting the dots, connecting them to all of us in one way or another.