Fine Whines

by @kc_

Challenge: Idiom
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#needsmusic #needscollab #folk #singersongwriter #electronic #challenge

Idiom Challenge: You get what you get and don't get upset!!


Fine Whines

Nothing like…
Like I expected
Really don’t think…
Think this is mine
There’s no fanciness
Or airs for my cares
If this is it all
I’m just wasting my time

You get what you get
And don’t get upset
A taste for fine whines
Is you saddest suit yet

But you don’t
Don’t understand
I’m an upper
Upper classkind
Full house in hand
So I have to call
Trump what you’ve got
And get what is mine

You get what you get
And don’t get upset
A taste for fine whines
Is you saddest suit yet

So sorry, So Sorry
My sommelier,
Save you fine whines
For some other day

You get what you get
And don’t get upset
A taste for fine whines
Is you saddest suit yet

Perhaps take
Take your case
To another
Another place
Your skin is just skin
Like mine that I’m in
save your fine whine
For the mirror looked in

You get what you get
And don’t get upset
You get what you get
And don’t get upset
You get what you get
And don’t get upset


I read this a couple times to make sure I was getting all that was being said. I like your take on the prompt. The bridge and verse afterwards are my favorite, but of course, the chorus sings perfectly!
Meaningful write! On the last chorus line, is that supposed to be 'your'? (Is you saddest suit yet}
I like your chorus. It's not overly complex but has a nice rhythm to it. Good take on the challenge.
Excellent take on the prompt! I LOVE the sommelier line.