Don't You Refrain

by @lamerabbit


Liner Notes

Made this last night. It sounded like a different song at that time. Somehow hated it and just did not want to post it out of my system so rethought the bass and guitars. Was a pleasure to play and at least at that time I liked the bass line ending in the verse. Nothing special though so I probably just forget it, other than there it is.

Lyrics were made for something else but the guys behind something else turned the language to Finnish and there was no use. Maybe there was no use in the first place, doesn't matter.

Vocals are the first take that I decided already while singing that "ok, I fucked it up, I'll just sing it thru as a rehearsal" and then ended up keeping cause there's nothing like the first ever take on something. There is though, the proper take after rehearsing the shit and getting it together. But hey, timebox is a wonderful excuse to wing it!


Oo oo dont you refrain
Ooo dont you fucking refrain!
Aim only for maximum sustain
There's gain yeah but after proper pain
Delay's ok as long as you redeem
Take back the power and scream
Phase yourself maybe so
But let the flange roll, touch it if you want so

The road's ahead
The lovers are waiting
The stakes are high
Now Get the fuck going

Dont you
Dont you
Dont you
Dont you
From your dream

Give it
Give it
Give it
Give it a good go

Dont you
Dont you
Dont you
Dont you
From your dream

Get back to real deal or get
Out of the town and forget
The stupid lame motherfuckers
With their racing sofas and dull jobs

Dont you
Dont you
Dont you
Dont you
From your dream

Give it
Give it
Give it
Give it a good go

Dont you
Dont you
Dont you
Dont you
From your dream


Kicks ass - and give wonderful advice.
You can't really ask for more from a song than that! Right on.
I love both versions a lot! The original feels more grunge drag bar type & this feels like the music festival that changed your entire perspective of life at 14. I love your vocal style, it really adds oomph to the song! The lyrics- "Aim only for maximum sustain / There's gain yeah but after proper pain" have such a satisfying rhyme scheme, I love it. Really great work!
Oh I know the feeling of liking the first vocal take best. It’s often the take with less thoughts on perfection, like a live version. Really dig the reference to guitar effects. Powerful message as well!
I've learnt always to keep my first vocal take, just in case! and it's amazing how often that's the best. "racing sofas and dull jobs"! what a great (and true) line. I like the bass line too. And the advice is good. Enjoyed this!