Three Roads Down

by @paul_pedersen · @cindyrella

Three Roads Down
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

I don't think it's possible to go through a FAWM or 5090 without finding some lyrics from Cindy Prince that make me want to make music. I made a couple of changes in the words to make the music work, but this is still Cindy's story in song. Hope you like it!


Oh, how I worshiped her from afar
I'd drive past her road in my car
Not sure if she ever knew
That every night that's exactly what I'd do

I'd try not to stare at her face
My heart would beat at a frantic pace
Could she tell how she made me feel
I'd sing her love songs alone behind the wheel

She lived just three roads down
Yet it may as well have been across state
She was the prettiest girl around
But I was too afraid to ask for a date
I think now why didn't I take the chance
I had no hope then for any romance
She lived just three roads down

In high school, I was so unsure
I gained confidence as I matured

Recently, I dreamed about her
But now her face is more blurred
Just got me thinking again
About what perhaps could have been

She lived just three roads down
Yet it may as well have been across state
She was the prettiest girl around
But I was too afraid to ask for a date
I think now why didn't I take the chance
I had no hope then for any romance
She lived just three roads down


Great collab. An interesting story and like how it fast forward to the present with the idea of a blurred face. The music fits the lyrics really well and like the hook of living just three roads down.
Nope. You can't go wrong with Cindy's lyrics. And, you are clearly inspired--I enjoyed this one a lot. Good job, you two! ❤️
I know what you mean, Paul. Great take and production. Me thinks me will find one of hers to play with using AI.
Ah, yes! The lyrics paint such a story we can all imagine. You really brought it to life with the music and can feel the longing in your voice.
Ah the lost opportunities of a mis-spent youth! I feel 13 again, Cindy. Good melody and structure here Paul but what makes it is the earnestness and honesty of the singing.
So sweet. Lyrics and music tell an achingly relatable story. I like the line about her face being blurred it suggests how time makes some things fade. The music, vocals and the chorus in paricular have some lovely Tom Petty echoes that fit the words really well. Great collab
Cindy's words never fail to inspire and obviously this is the case in this instance and together you have created a rather beautiful and poignant piece...
Such a tender nostalgic story of longing and insecurity! Something or someone we all likely remember from those high school days. Love those memories and those secret crushes still make me feel excited and nervous when I run into them now 50 years later… lovely flow to the music that captures those memories and feelings so well!
Glad you like it, @cindyrella!
You brought it to like so well! The music itself is incredible! So relatable and good! I love everything about it! Thank you so much!
This must be a familiar story to many. The chorus melody is particularly nice, and gets across that sense of longing. Good work, both!