by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Barbaric Yawp (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

Now I definitely can’t be screaming at this hour. So I saw that Yawp also ment “talk foolishly or noisily.” according to google, so I went with that. Tried my best.



Thousands and thousands of voices
Who say the same, the same things
The way the way they are talking
Is nothing but low, low screams
Yes the voices are heard
But the content is blurred
And every other word is a slur
Now I wish you could hear
What I understood
But I’m afraid it’d be quite boring
There’s things that they say
Which they think are quite clever
But they’re not unique, they have been said
And really they aren’t that clever
So step up your game
And scream louder than them
When they notice you speak
The things that you say don’t matter


Fabulous response to the skirmish. Great music and vocal delivery of the insightful lyric!
This sounds like a sort of heavy metal version of Kraftwerk. I can imagine that self-assured, authoritarian voice booming out over a vast stadium full of adoring Motorik fans...
Dare to be different and have another opinion! Lots of Casio in this 50/90. Keep 'em coming.
Between the computerized vocal style and the herky-jerky rhythms and beats, this is disturbing and arresting and absolutely demands the listener's attention. They lyrics are terrific as well. Utterly captivating!
This is a MASSIVE wall of sound. Love that plucky casio sound throughout.
Delightfully weird ... that banjo thing is so strange combined with the electronic stuff. The drum track is bonkers, and I love the retro synths and overall carnivalesque feel. Really enjoyed!
I love this Charlie! So true in terms of how we hear others. Nice work!