Hall Of Mirrors

by @headfirstonly Mod

Hall Of Mirrors

Liner Notes

It's a general election here in the UK today, and I'd just got back from the polling station when I sat down to write this one. You can probably tell. This one's built around me playing a Squier #strat into a #chasebliss Mood Mk 2 pedal, then going nuts with my #warrguitar through all the effects and then dropping into #playwithdelay mode for the solos on my Parker Fly. I'm in #fullproduction #prog mode, as always.

Edit (5th July): I wasn't happy with the bridge. Or the guitar solos. Or the vocals in the chorus, or the bass, or... and...

So I went back and changed them all, because that's how I roll.


It feels like I have suddenly been stuck in some demented game
And every single person on the television looks the same
All of them are wearing the exact same empty-headed smile
You know what lurks behind it will undoubtedly be something vile

The end result's decided
long before the count begins
And as long as we're divided
It won't be us who wins

No need to wonder how your empire's fall is going to begin
You'll be informed about it by a person with a stupid grin
The situation ought to have us fearing for our wretched lives
The world is being run by Stepford husbands and their Stepford wives

Governments and corporations vying for control
Each giving the impression that they want to sell your soul
The planet is in crisis and all hope is fading fast
Please break this hall of mirrors, before the die is cast

The golden age of statesmanship is over, it's just dead and gone
Is it any wonder that we're losing faith in what goes on?
These days, we know that 'time to make a difference' is just a lie
The only change in policy is just the colour of their tie

You might be picking up the clues
Of who it is who's always going to lose
I guess I simply want the chance to choose
Not to ever have to watch Fox News

Why have we forgotten how to choose between what's right and wrong?
And how come Mister Trump is not in prison, where the man belongs?
We've been given a grenade and someone else has pulled the pin
Everybody loses when to lie is not seen as a sin


I love how you just jump into the verse. Draws me right in. This song is so cool when it gets bigger and bigger. Love the guitar harmonies and the industrial-ish stomp - reminds me a bit of old school Faith No More
You're right, though.
Really great ominous production.
Haha awesome solos with the Delay!
Yeah, this is so great.
The reverby backing music creates a decidedly sinister mood. "It won't be us who wins" certainly is the theme of what's happening in the UK and the US!

Great lyrics, and I really dig this arrangement. Super dark, almost like a yacht rock version of a doom metal track.
Epic! Very witty and on point lyrics. I can imagine it playing over an arty video montage of political news clips.
What an entrance! Shivers down the spine.
At first I thought you were singing about British politics--which I am super-jealous of and thinking about how I should move there...depending on how things go this Fall. I do like "political protest" songs--and you've definitely got the mood right for this one. Keep 'em coming!
Great use of the distortion and clean guitar sounds. They play against each other so nice with the reverb. And the (was that a DX7 hit?) piano. Such a great sound to this whole thing. nailed it!
Ah yes, the polling station vibe definitely makes a mark. I feel the nervous, almost evil vibe. That will happen, won't it? Stepford husbands and wives. OMG, that's it!

I like the switch to phone voice in the PC. Makes it really stand out. And of course you build the tune so it just starts to shake your bones. It's cool!
Great song! The lyrics are depressing in how true they are :(
this astute fresco of world politics on englands election day is the most dynamic piece of political music since pink floyd's the wall....the real horror of it is that today there is no escape from the situation. the entire world is ruled by it.
All too true. To me, what you've written suggests a new movie: The Stepford Politicians. 😬

The music sounds good, especially the motion in the rhythm section.
Suitably sinister with the background effects and your vocals. Well done.
Love the ambient sound of the synth. I also enjoy the touch of darkness sprinkled throughout. Very nice!
Yup hard to get past a bit of politics after I am sure you have been bombarded by it! A lot of truism here for sure! I like the way the instruments emphasise lines! Very cool.
I've been known to quip that my political leanings are "trust not in princes" because it seems like every politician is just on the make for themselves these days. Ah well. The anger and frustration is clear here.
Well developed lyrics. Message powerful, painful and real.