Das gebrochene Licht auf dem Fluß / the broken light of the river

by @mahtowin

Liner Notes

"All the lights
All of the sea broken lights
of the river
All the rhymless thoughts of the hungry"
(Leonard Cohen)

Not much to say about this piece... I played around a bit and let Mr. Cohen inspired me for the lyrics...

The piece is a bit weird - fitting for the artist! :-)

Translation below


Das gebrochene Licht auf dem Fluss
Das Schiff an seiner Mündung
das seetanggrüne Meer
dazwischen glasklare Wellenberge
Deine Augen haben die Farbe der Erde aus der Du kommst

Das gebrochene Licht auf dem Fluss
Das Schiff an seiner Mündung
der Wind! Dieser feuchte, weiche Wind am Meer!
Salz auf meiner Haut!
Deine Augen haben die Farbe der Erde aus der Du kommst!

The broken light of the river
The ship at its mouth
the seaweed-green sea
in between there are wave crests clear as glas
Your eyes have the color of the earth you come from

The broken light of the river
The ship at its mouth
the wind! This damp, soft wind by the sea!
Salt on my skin!
Your eyes are the color of the earth you come from!


Cohen always inspires me! you say a lot here with not too many words, i love the bubbly water! that bass anchors it well!
Great vibe and feel to this, just full of bubbly floating and like in a dream, really stand out percussion!
The stereo effect on this song, right from the start, is wonderful. I was literally looking around trying to figure out where the heck the sound was coming from. I love the layered vocals. Those rolls and cymbal rides are wonderful, too.
Lovely fat bass sound.
Yeah, this is great.
Simple and yet complex-sounding.
Awesome percussion.
Really nice tune here for sure.
There’s a light touch to the sound of this, even with all the depth of layers and poetry. Really cool soundscape.
Cool. Reminds me of old Portishead songs.
You could do this as entirely bass and drum and so focus the voice even more. No not weird. COmpelling in a strange way. (Beware of inspiration from Mr Cohen, one ends up writing music to slit the wrists by, at least I do). (Whereas yours is lifting up in increasing ecstasy and anticipation; something is definitely going to happen!)
Love the sound of your bass here, as well as the strange xylophone-like instrument. The lyrics are really poetic, particularly "the seaweed green sea" and the last line. Vocals, as always, are an absolute pleasure to listen to. Like all of your (and our!) stuff, this has a mysterious, otherworldly feel that I love.
so much music this 50 90 seems to be coming from another dimension. i dont know where this music comes from, but i want to go there.
Leonard is such a well of inspiration. I'm loving the electronic rhythmic vibe and the haunting singing.