
by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: Independence (or the lack... (@robinleaf)

Liner Notes

The writing prompt was independence, so I created this character. The easygoing music reminds me of Badfinger.


The day that Frida left the band
No one knew what she had planned
No one knew what it was for
What was waiting outside the door

Frida go on along
Frida know when something’s wrong
Frida walk right out the door
Frida ask for more

Who knows you better than you
Who else knows what you can do
Write the ticket in your mind
Answer any questions that you find

Frida go on along
Frida know when something’s wrong
Frida walk right out the door
Frida ask for more

Every day is Frida Day
Frida Day Frida Day
And every night is Frida Night
When you have a name like Frida
Everyone is is glad to meet you
You never doubt that you’ve got the right

Frida go on along
Frida know when something’s wrong
Frida walk right out the door
Frida ask for more

Frida go on along
Frida know when something’s wrong
Frida walk right out the door
Frida ask for more


You had me singing along on the chorus, and I think I’ll be singing it to myself later. She’s an inspiring character, knowing when to leave a situation. Nice direction to take with the prompt.
Interesting approach to the prompt. I especially like that ear worm of a chorus. Very catchy.
good idea well delivered, nice balance between the story and the repetition which gets you wanting to sing along!
Love the narrative of a woman going out and finding herself! The chord progression in the chorus is really nice!
I have to love "Every night is Frida Night"
Since the family is in a Frida Kahlo phase, when I first saw the title my mind had that expectation, but I'm kinda glad this song was not about that artist, though she indeed was independent (a different song obvs). I can identify this song with moments in my life where I had to stand up for myself even when it was unpopular and I was alone and unsupported in making that decision. Also a great melody and chord set!
This is an insightful take on the evolution of bands as people grow in different directions that are sometimes hard to express. Nice delivery!
Bands can be difficult. I've been the "Frida" more than once.
Great character sketch, and your choice of name was so clever! I really enjoyed the vibe. Thanks for coming to my skirmish!
It remins me a little of a couple of songs on side 2 of Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother. Nice!
The freedom to be yourself. You captured that well.