Twilight of the Gods / Götterdämmerung

by @mahtowin · @ttg105

Liner Notes

Pennyfeather and Mahtowin dived deep into their underwater studio off the coast of Newfoundland! Pennyfeather played every instrument he could get his hands on while Mahtowin thought about the lyrics.
Dark songs are nothing unusual for these two.... In any case, Mahtowin loves the darkness.

We would like to start with this song. Superficially quite dark and wild - but still full of hope!

"The world is going insane - we keep the flame!" That's what musicians do - even and especially in dark times like these.

Hope you like ist!

Translation below as always!

#dark #gloomy #chaotic #german



Sehr verehrte Damen und Herren! Ladies and Gebtlemen! Medams et Monsieurs! Herzlich Willkommen! Bon Venui! Welcome! Zu unserer Show! Nehmen Sie Platz and fasten your seat belts! Stellen Sie das Rauchen ein und schalten Sie Ihre Handys aus!
Die Götterdämmerung beginnt jetzt!

Die ganze Welt geht meschugge und wir gehn mit!

The whole world goes insane - we keep the flame!

Wir sind die Musikanten der Apokalypse!
Wir sind die Dichter des Amageddon!
Wir sind die Sängerinnen des letzten Gerichts!

The whole world goes insane ....

Wir sind die Engel, die am Tor um Einlass bitten!
Mit blutigen Flügeln warten wir.
Wir sind gekommen mit unseren Träumen.
Wir sind gekommen mit unseren Stimmen.
Wir bringen die Hoffnung mit!
In unseren herzen ist Glas.
In unseren Mündern ist Asche.
Wir erlösen euch durch unsere Musik!
Wir erlösen euch durch unsere Worte!
Wir erlösen euch durch unseren Klang!

The whole world goes insane ...
Die ganze Welt geht meschugge ...


Twilight of the Gods

Dear ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Medams and monsieurs! Welcome! Bon Venui! Welcome! To our show! Take a seat and fasten your seat belts! Stop smoking and turn off your cell phones!
Twilight of the Gods begins now!

The whole world is going meschugge and we are going with it!

The whole world goes insane - we keep the flame!

We are the musicians of the apocalypse!
We are the poets of Amageddon!
We are the singers of the final judgment!

The whole world goes insane....

We are the angels asking for entry at the gate!
With bloody wings we wait.
We came with our dreams.
We came with our voices.
We bring hope with us!
There is glass in our hearts.
There is ashes in our mouths.
We redeem you through our music!
We save you with our words!
We redeem you with our sound!

The whole world goes insane...
The whole world is going meschugge...


Love the way it opens, the way you invite us to the show. I am ready! Ah, it's great how this starts, quiet but menacing, like some unholy maelstrom is about to be unleashed, or has already been unleashed but kept barely under wraps. Whew, that felt like a workout, holding back all that energy and containing it here. Loved it!
Cool track, nice homage to creativity in times of distress, really like the bass and swirling guitars in here.
This is apocalyptic heaven ... sign me up.
You have a wonderfully unique and engaging approach to this whole music thing. This is an amusing and theatrical piece that also manages to convey a feeling of menace. I love everything about it!
Love the bass that keeps it moving. Cool guitar sounds. I really like the spoken word on top of the singing. Dark, but there is some hope there.
Loving the groovy vibe, and the energy of the intro pulls me in. Really cool lyrics and imagery — especially the bloodied angels.
Lol, I too like the intro - it brought back a memory of Nina Hagen's intro to her version of The Tube's "White Punks on Dope" (alias TV-Glotzer) from 1980.
Love the intro! The continual work you both have done this year is really coming through. Beautiful lyrics.
A suitably dark musical landscape and lyric for a world that does indeed seem to be going insane lately.
Goth rock vibes all over the place. I love it!
I agree, dark but hopeful for sure!! The vocal part is really wonderful and complements the instrumentation well
Sehr schön Mahtowin. Ich freue mich sehr, wieder ein neues Lied von dir zu hören!
march of the poets, the prophets, the musicians ..circling the globe in the stratosphere, while the people below go insane.
Love the stereo in my ears. That throaty bass is cool. yes the world is in a "State of Insanity! for sure.
Love how theatrical and atmospheric this is – I like the interplay between the spoken and sung bits and the instrumentation is fantastic!
i have a draft of a same titled song so had to listen plus well its you two! very well done its so obvious both you guys influence in here! Really nice full sound! Organised chaos