by @betoMod
Liner Notes
A song inspired by the great artist Daniel Johnston. I recorded this in #OneTake using a #4-track recorder (my Tascam 424mkII), playing a Squier Esquire, the Korg KR Mini drum machine, and vocals through a TC Helicon Voicelive 2.
You shouldn't listen to the voices in your head
Listen to your friends, listen to me instead
I told you once, I told you twice, I'll say again
If you listen to the voices it will be the end of you my friend
You shouldn't listen to the voices in your head
Don't listen to them, listen to me instead
I told you once, I told you twice, I'll tell once more
If you listen to the voices it will be the end of you my friend
You're out in the rain
You're falling again
While catching the train
You feel the pain on your scraped knees
You're out and about
You're skinning a trout
You said you're a scout
But now I'm in doubt you ever prayed
You think you're alone
That there are ghosts in your home
You lost your old phone
Throw a bone to your old friend
You're out in the rain
You're skinning a trout
You lost your old phone
But you never lost your way
You shouldn't listen to the voices in your head
Listen to your friends, listen to me instead
I told you once, I told you twice, I'll say again
If you listen to the voices it will be the end of you my friend
The up-tempo setting makes a good contrast with the more serious sense of the lyric.
FWIW, I have a writer friend who quotes some-famous-writer: "if the voices in your head are talking to you, you might be crazy; if they are talking to each other, you are probably a writer."