song for parting from ryan and portland

by @heid

Liner Notes

#accordion #mandolin #folk

I'm leaving the city I'm in, in June! Last night I chatted with a friend who remarked that even though this chapter of our time together is almost over, our relationship is just beginning in the longterm. I put together a little song about it today.


We're nearing the end of a chapter
But close to the front of the book
We shared in the music and laughter
I can tell from the weight of your look

That I'll see you again in the future
And call you between now and then
Our paths will still cross in a few years,
I'm so glad to call you my friend

In wishing for more, there is glory
I haven't heard all your songs yet
Let's go off, collect some more stories
And live out the short lives we get

You say you've grown up three times over
Well I've still got a few times to go
We'll meet up someday by the clover
You're someone I'm lucky to know


This is really beautiful and touching. I love the accordion in the background. I thought it was some sort of bowed instrument at first. I didn't know you were in Portland. Hope to hear some of your stories in the future
I chose this song of yours to listen to after seeing your comment on another person's page about queering ministry -- and one of my favorite radical ministers used to be in Portland (but has moved). This is a lovely farewell/see you again song, and I think the picking is gorgeous. Your vocals are charming and the melody is sweet. Speaking of queer spirituality, my favorite minister doing this work is here in NYC. Their name is Micah Bucey -- and they're also a songwriter! I hope your paths might cross one day. All the best to you!
Great song and wonderful sentiment. This is a tune I will remember for a long time. Thanks for sharing.
I love this so much! I left the city I was in for almost a decade a few years ago, and I remember having so much anxiety about the friendships I was leaving behind. But the truth is many of those friendships have continued to grow and deepen despite the distance. This captures that so beautifully!