I'll Be There
by @hbusse · @kebley · @taylor
Liner Notes
#singersongwriter #folk #folkrock
Hannah says: I got together with my good friends @kebley and @taylor tonight, and we co-wrote this song from a starter Taylor brought to the table. On this recording Taylor's singing and playing guitar, I'm doing BGVs/keys, and Kyle's doing BGVs/mandolin.
Driving somewhere off of Highway 6
Towards a future we could not predict
And I asked you to come out of the car
So that we could look up at the stars
And I took a knee and I pulled out the ring
From my pocket
We’ve seen changes since we said I do
I look back on how we’ve made it through
When I brought you lunch outside the school
When you happily worked the merch table
All the little ways that we have learned to say
That I love you
That I love you
When it’s your brightest day I’ll be there
And when your body breaks I’ll be there
To have, to hold
As we grow old
With each new day’s sunrise I’ll be there
When hope fades from your eyes I’ll be there
My love, my friend
Until the end
Not sure I can get to 14, but maybe I’ll try to do a few more before the month’s end?
Edit:: one very minor thing: I’d be mildly uncomfortable rhyming school with table. (Tay- bool?, lol)
Seriously y’all such a good song. All parts come together beautifully