
Deb Flanders






  • Madison, W US
Pianist, guitarist, and lifetime singer who thinks music is one of God's best ideas!

This is my 9th FAWM, and every year I come with a sense of excitement and trepidation. Sound familiar? But, even with all the trepidation, I continue to be amazed that songs do seem to come, sometimes so easily I have to laugh, and other times after a painful struggle. The nature of creativity, I guess.

My goal this year is to stretch myself a little and come up with songs that are musically and lyrically more adventurous than in previous years. We'll see how that goes! But to also have fun; and connect with other creative folks; and listen to some amazing songs from people who have a completely different style and outlook!

Looking forward to sharing in all the talent, encouragement, and goodwill that abounds here.


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