09: Sell The Sizzle! Part Two

by @frozenlonesome

09: Sell The Sizzle! Part Two

Liner Notes

Part two of Sell The Sizzle! *headphones recommended*
(Part One: https://write.fawm.org/songs/308157)

An all iPad generative track. Recorded in LoopyPro using FugueMachine midi generator to sequence four playheads of four individual synths. Added in two layers of percussion and drums. Arranged with audio samples in AuriaPro.
#ambient #generative #fawmtronica #publicdomain #samples
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Audio samples from the public domain film Man to Man by the Handy (Jam) Organization (1947). Sales training from the standpoint of one man’s experience. https://archive.org/details/0178_Man_to_Man_M01671_21_00_39_00


Hazy and groovy, cool sequel to the first, locks into a floating ride!
FugueMachine! Damn I meant to use that the other day and forgot all about it! Loving the generative vibes, and very impressed you are managing to keep AuriaPro going, I had a load of trouble with it and stopped using it... might have to revisit
Had to come in for part 2! The generative groove is wild. Lots of beautiful little ear worms floating all throughout. This is quite the trippy experience.
It makes me feel like I’m riding on a comm satellite hearing bits of the programs that upload and download.
I will always associate the sort of processing applied to the vocal samples here with being put under general anaesthetic as a kid. Even as a small child, I must have been an audio nerd, because I remember wondering where the echo was coming from. Listening to this is considerably more entertaining (and far less stressful!)
this is more performative than musical. very interesting. I really like the sampled spoken parts. great piece