Comments first challenge (Yeah Buoy edition)
by @aeye
Liner Notes
Song is done. Just remember YOU ASKED FOR THIS :)
Also really sorry about the mix. It's super muddy and could be cleaner but there is so much going on I just didn't want to really dive in to balance it all.
In order of appearance:
@nadine wanted braaaaaams and drum and bass so that's how it kicks off
@pearlmanhattan wanted some spoons. You got a spoon percussion line
@katestantonsings asked for a sick bass line.
@carleybaer asked for a mellotron whole tone scale (1:07ish) and sad row row your boat (2:40ish)
@willyviste wanted a supersaw chorus (1:30) though it's less like a chorus here I guess
@sapient asked for the weird human sound around 2:00ish. It's def weird
@catmisgivings asked for a buoy bell on the 7th beat. First one is at 2:10ish. Then it appears a few more times cause I liked it
@bijou asked for sun breaking through the clouds (2:38ish) sorry I kept it kinda short
@metalfoot and @zecoop got their items combined at around 3:08
@joshalmond asked for a phone sound at the end so I added a rotary phone sound effect.
WHEW. I can't believe that actually "worked"
OG post:
This is for the #commentsfirst challenge. You tell me what you’ve heard in this song. I’ll write it based on comments and try to fit in as many of the things you all heard as possible. Go nuts.
The only restriction is I don’t sing.
I’m so gonna regret this lol
P.s. I’ll leave the comments open til sometime this week and then get cracking on this
But yeah, it's got some OOMPH! And you can DANCE to it! Well, nod along anyway. I was at the gym this morning and my legs refuse to dance right now...