Party of One

by @raspberry33

Skirmish: Party of One (@mardeycranbleson)
Party of One

Liner Notes

I've done consulting and interim management work which often requires a long stretch away from home. You get to know the good local restaurants, but you do get looks walking into the mall cinema alone. This isn't probably needs a 3rd verse or a bridge or something. Collaborations welcome!


PARTY OF ONE (c. 2025 raspberry33)

I’m a modern day travellin’ man
Been to every state in this land
Married, but the wife stays home
Trusts I’ll neither stray nor roam
Right now, I’m a party of one

I get glances at the mall
I hear giggling in the hall
Feeling out of place in every space
Couples expected, your grace
Right now, I’m a party of one

Party of one –do you think I’m a loser
Party of one – there’s a story, but it’s mine to share
Party of one – plenty of empty seats
How…about that one….


Love that intro, got me straight away. I sympathise with the road warrior message but thankfully no more for me not I've retired. Business trips are pretty awful on your own.
Your delivery of the title phrase is catchy. The end is a nice lift with a subtle joke.
This is so good. First verse is a perfect set-up.
Love the chorus.
Being a party of one, I can relate.
There are times I feel uncomfortable
The music and your vocals give it extra appeal.
Do finish it. It's a keeper
This is a keeper.
Very cool musical track and engaging melody that delivers a relatable lyric! I travel a lot for work and this is often how I feel as I go out and about exploring the cities on my own.
A classic setup for a song — it was why you were alone at the bar, in the old blues tradition. This takes it in a new direction, but still talking about the compromises of life. I like the matter-of-fact way of explaining.
What a fully fleshed out story and scene, thoroughly enjoyed it. I want to spend a day or two there! Love that lead synth interlude.
I love this groove and a cool story of the travelin' man