
by @meadow_mouse

Liner Notes

im slowly getting a little more brave about vocals maybe but i didnt mean to sound so SAD!!!!!


Her pinball eyes caught me by surprised
As I walked through the parking lot
We sweetly stared as we disappeared
And I never saw her ever again

You look a lot like me
I look a lot like you
But we're both
someone that I never knew

A never smile while she drew my blood
I just stared at her tattoos
She pulled the needle out of my arm
And I never even knew it was in

You look a lot like me
I look a lot like you
But we're both
someone that I never knew

Pinballing from face to face
Always finding my place

You look a lot like me
I look a lot like you
But we're both
someone that I never knew


Love the feel of this. Really adoring the use of melody in this. And the restraint in the arrangement. Very well done!
I love this!!! your voice sounds so lovely :D this song has a cool like 60s slinky vibe, your music has a retro thing going on that i did NOT expect!!
There are so many great images in here! "We're both someone that I never knew" is such a powerful and haunting line.
Yeah not too sad to my ear maybe a touch melancholy! Really nice lead guitar line! Good lyric, really interesting!
You don't sound sad at all, I enjoyed your vocals, you have a very soothing voice. I really liked the vibes of the song, and I never hear the term "Pinball eyes" before, very cool.
Nicely done.
Simple accompaniment arrangement really drew me in, so musical and haunting. Good stufff, do more!
You have to listen to a song called “Pinball”! Good job. I enjoyed it.