Day of Gold
by @elainedimasi · @toms
Liner Notes
Elaine says: Tom sends guitars, I sing
Tom says: whatever is good about this, Elaine did it, absolute truth.
am i living
can i stand
i am missing something - not you, just -
all of the fingers on all of my hands
thought I said: catastrophe
you lecture me about self-mastery
redacted what I thought you asked of me
now you act as though you've had the last of me
the veins we mined for gold
led us in to dark and cold
yet a shaft should lead back out again,
so we were told
can we regain the sunlight, where we both can see us?
dark days are coming - keep hold
of the packet of your sunrise powder
dark days are coming - dark days
a day can be eternity, a day can be an hour
so I'll give you the best of me
I'll expect you to accept the rest of me
ah, the wrecking ball that makes a mess of me,
you can welcome it as a guest of me.
we will mine the mother lode
we will touch what is not known
our act will raise us up into the Day of Gold
Gold Days
Gold Days
what do you say?
You definitely feel the Steely Dan vibe which is a very good thing in my book
Thanks 🙏 Gold days make me think of old days.
Gorgeous singing and luscious guitar work are tunneling through my brain.
Well done.
them guitars. oh yes indeedy. firm, but not in the way.
the lyric is abstract enough that I want to hear this enough times to find my own meaning. and that's a good thing.
and you know I love your voice.