Power To The People part 3

by @iwilleatyou


I've not heard a guitar solo quite like that one since I switched on one of those retro music channels that you switch on by accident. I like it!
Brian May might sue you for this one, sorry. Unless you didn't use an old 50p to play it, then you might be ok. (this is my fave so far - sincerity in brackets)
Woah 58 seconds. Your pushing my pain threshold.
Did the US miltary employ you to write the music to torture detainees at Guantanamo Bay?
Pff, if humankind's destiny's in your hands, they're screwed. 😹
Great shredding for sure.
Oh the tension!
Good use of tension waiting for the jack to box
Great track, oh yes fast guitars, noise, cymbals, palm mutes, droooool!