Liner Notes
Head-cold vocals notwithstanding, I like where this is heading.
Woo nelly, I'm very jealous of your piano chops. This is some seriously well crafted stuff, very nice.
Some great drama in the arrangement; the piano is glorious. In particular that left-hand ostinato pattern which introduces the verse is satisfyingly solid. You sing better with a head cold than I do on my best days, just sayin'.
Wow, what beautiful piano playing and writing! I love it. The arrangement is pretty spectacular. I hope that you find FAWM a great place and time to create! Very well done
Wow this is a fantastic song such a great arrangement like the piano part a lot and the vocals are really passionate too.
…nice piano intro - nice dynamic, very contained at the same time - vocals are nice to listen to, couldn’t hear the cold - i like it…