First world problems

by @gordon

First world problems


My data isn’t synching, you’d think that I’d been drinking
My system has been hacked, I’m having a panic attack
Technology is wonderful, technology is great
I’ve set myself a reminder on my smart watch, so I’ll never be late
The future has arrived, and none of it contrived
My jetpack comes tomorrow, I ordered one that’s day-glow yellow
I will commute to work, just another entitled jerk
I have first world issues, like running out of tissues
While wildfires rage and burn, it’s none of my concern
And asteroids above, approaching rather fast
I’m running out of caviar, don’t know how long it will last
Living in the present, is mostly very pleasant
But I just can’t get good help these days
I really hope that it’s a passing phase
I’m running out of time

(c) words and music G Todd 2025


Oh yeah!
Amen to this.